Volume 29, Issue 5 (8-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(5): 189-197 | Back to browse issues page

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Shahidinejad T, Zargham Hajebi M, Mirzahossein H. Explaining the Structural Model of Divorce Decision-Making Based on Thematic Relationships with the Mediation of Couples' Personality Types. RJMS 2022; 29 (5) :189-197
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8778-en.html
Associate Professor of Psychology, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran , zarghamhajebi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (259 Views)
Background & Aims: Recently, marriage stability and proper communication between couples have become more difficult. Therefore, investigating the effect of relevant clinical interventions in solving marital conflicts seems vital. A divorce scenario is not a sudden conflict, but a gradual loss of intimacy. Intimacy consists of several elements that develop over time and follow a step-by-step pattern. This pattern begins with logical intimacy (conversation and self-disclosure) continues with physical intimacy (holding hands, hugging, and sex), and then leads to emotional intimacy (access, support, emotional expression, and mutual sensitivity). High levels of emotional intimacy in a person's relationships, in addition to mutual satisfaction, is one of the powerful predictors of physical and mental health in recent decades, the influence of personality on the interaction of people in emotional and intimate relationships has attracted a lot of attention. Some personality traits increase tension and incompatibility in couples and threaten the continuation of their married life. It deals with unconscious and unrealistic expectations that can lead couples to a cycle of marital conflicts. This approach also attempts to explain current interactions in terms of past internalization. This model allows therapists to focus on past and present periods. In examining the causes of the desire for divorce, social, economic, and legal factors and individual and psychological factors such as marital dependence and boredom, violence and physical conflicts sexual problems, illogical beliefs, lack of understanding, and intellectual conflicts are taken into consideration. The relationship between psychological and communication factors of the desire to divorce has been confirmed by longitudinal and cross-sectional research. Many psychologists and family therapists consider the characteristics of couples the quality of their childhood experiences and the quality of relationships between the main members to be the most important factors in the success or failure of any couple. Personality plays a role in adapting to changing life conditions. Personality disorders are an important source of communication problems. Examining a large number of existing studies shows that one of the important reasons for divorce is related to personality problems and disorders. The evaluation of personality traits plays a very important role in understanding behavior, opinions, and preferences, and as a result, the way of persuading people. Personality traits affect the likelihood of divorce through their influence on interpersonal conflicts. Therefore, this research seeks to explore the problem of divorce based on thematic relationships from another lens and with the results obtained from it, to put a new path in front of the therapists and guardians of this field. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to explain the structural model of divorce decision-making based on thematic relationships with the mediation of the couples' personality types.
Methods: The research method in this study was structural equation correlation. The participants of this research include people who for the first time in their lives went to the family court of Qom City to end their marriage and since they were referred to the counseling center, a non-probability sampling method of the type in was available Therefore, to conduct this research, 405 people who applied for a consensual divorce who were referred to the divorce counseling center were selected. The data collection tools included Blalock and Mayer's ego performance evaluation questionnaire - the second revision, Bell's thematic relationship questionnaire, and couple's personality type evaluation questionnaires. To analyze the data, path analysis was used using Lisrel software.
Results: The results showed that the structural model of divorce decision-making based on subject relationships with the mediation of couples' personality types has a favorable fit.
Conclusion: The results showed that the structural model of divorce decision-making based on thematic relationships with the mediation of couples' personality types has a favorable fit. In explaining these results, it can be said that one of the most important vulnerabilities of the family is the instability of marriage. Despite the society's negative attitude towards divorce, its rate is still increasing and Iran is considered as a country prone to divorce. The importance of conducting such research in Iran, as in other countries, is due to reports of an increase in the number of divorces in recent years. Despite the unprecedented increase in the number of divorce requests in Iran, as well as the desire to go to counseling centers to improve marital relations, there has rarely been a study on ego strength and mental toughness and their relationship with marital conflicts. Also, statistics show that divorce is increasing in the last few years. The increase in the divorce rate indicates that the relationships between spouses have changed their lives, which increases the differences between them. The divorce scenario is not a sudden fight, but a gradual loss of intimacy. Not all requests for divorce lead to divorce. The official statistics of people who apply for divorce are not known in the country. The decision to divorce is the result of intense internal pressure that is exerted on at least one of the spouses, and it may be a result of not meeting the needs goals, and coping methods. Weakness is the inability to manage life events and transfer emotions to the spouse. According to Gutman, the quality of the interaction between husband and wife is an important predictor of the turmoil of marital relations and the desire for divorce. The intention of the desire to divorce is the desire and interest of the couple to separate and break the marital relationship. The desire for divorce is one of the common phenomena of human societies. According to Burke's belief, people who want to divorce face many personal and interpersonal conflicts. A brief review of the theories and models proposed in the field of couple therapy shows that various factors such as social skills attachment styles, and demographic and communication characteristics cause the tendency to divorce. Some personality traits increase tension and incompatibility in couples and threaten the continuation of their married life. Also, in recent decades, the influence of personality on the interaction of people in emotional and intimate relationships between two people has attracted a lot of attention. Some personality traits increase tension and incompatibility in couples and threaten the continuation of their married life. In his Clinical Notes and Teachings, Kerenberg relates clinical personality pathology to the individual's condition in three dimensions, leading to two basic levels: borderline and neurotic levels of personality organization. Therefore, the pathology of personality organization is divided into two main categories based on Kerenberg's theory. The first level is the least intense and is called the neurotic level of personality organization. At this level, people's personalities are rigid and inconsistent, but they have a single identity. The defense mechanisms of these people are at a high level and based on suppression, and the real test is intact. However, at the second or more severe level, called the borderline level of personality organization, some individuals have significant clinical rigidity and inconsistency as well as identity damage. In these people, low-level defense mechanisms based on division are dominant. Although some forms of reality testing are sometimes healthy, their ability to understand the inner states of others is impaired. The patterns of internal relations that reflect the spaces of incompatibility are kept away from the person's consciousness through defensive operations. Therefore, these defenses protect the individual from the threatening and painful aspects of their inner life, which ends up at the cost of creating a rigid personality.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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