Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.KERMAN.REC.1402.093
Clinical trials code: 01

XML Persian Abstract Print

Department of Psychology,Zarand. Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman., Iran ,
Abstract:   (349 Views)
Parents of children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder experience more stress compared to parents of normal children. This can lead to mental health problems for parents, such as depression, parental stress, and increased parental problems. This psychological pressure is caused by Having a child with a disorder has a significant impact on parenting styles. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to compare the effectiveness of positive parenting intervention program and cognitive therapy based on mindfulness on psychological fatigue in mothers of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in 2014. This research is a semi-experimental project with a pre-test-post-test in the experimental group (positive parenting intervention program) and the comparison group (cognitive therapy based on mindfulness) with the control and follow-up group, the statistical population of all mothers of children with attention deficit disorder. The research sample includes 60 mothers of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the 6 months of spring and summer of 1402 and has the criteria to enter the intervention by selection and sampling. Purposeful and simple random assignment of 20 participants to each group and implementation of interventions. The experimental group underwent positive parenting intervention and cognitive therapy based on mindfulness for a period of 12 sessions of 75 minutes, and the control group did not receive the intervention. The research tool was Smets (1996) Multidimensional Fatigue Questionnaire (MFI). The results of the covariance analysis showed that the averages of the psychological fatigue scores in the positive parenting intervention program group, the cognitive therapy group based on mindfulness, and the control group showed a significant difference. Therefore, it can be said that the positive parenting intervention program had a greater effect on psychological fatigue in mothers of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder than cognitive therapy based on mindfulness.
Conclusion: The positive parenting intervention program can be used to reduce the psychological fatigue of mothers of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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