Volume 29, Issue 6 (9-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(6): 236-246 | Back to browse issues page

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Fathi Mazloom A, Zahiri H, Sharifi M. Sociological Explanation of the Impact of Media Literacy on Development Values with the Approach of Intergenerational Differences. RJMS 2022; 29 (6) :236-246
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8730-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran , Hoshzahiri@gmail.com
Abstract:   (559 Views)

Background & Aims: The time when a person is born is important. Because people are in a historical period where a generation begins to form its perspective. It connects people with the views of that generation throughout their lives and affects many of their beliefs. Those who have tasted war in their generation have a different view on war and peace and also have different values ​​for development. Who has not had such an experience? Those who had job opportunities when they graduated from university have a different attitude about work and the future than those who did not have such opportunities. Divorce, birth control, abortion, marriage, and gender equality will mean different things to people depending on which generation they are from. In Iran, the current young generation looks more to the future, while the older generations are busy solving the current problems and dilemmas of their lives. The difference between the two generations of the young and the old is one of the potential dangers that have brought the strength and durability of families to the abyss of serious threat. In the past, despite learning the values ​​and attitudes of the social system, young people adapted themselves to the society in which they lived. It means that young people's communication has been limited to media such as television (assuming its existence, of course) and in a range as large as the city of residence. Today's young people face global villages where they can interact directly with the world around them through mass communication tools. Children are placed in such a situation, and in fact, this situation leads to comparing themselves with the situation of people of the same age, because of this, the expectations and expectations, sometimes unnecessarily, have increased greatly, and in the long run, they have caused extensive changes in their lifestyle and values. People, have values ​​that do not necessarily lead to human and social development. Based on this, the problem of the current research is that the changes that have taken place in the last 50 years show that generational values ​​are also changing, and this issue is also objective in Iran; But many of these changes have not been noticed much in Iranian society, or the emergence of different media, especially social media, because it has played an important role in value convergence and absorption of global values ​​in policy-making. And in the field of traditional social, cultural, and religious values ​​of Iranians, it has been seen as a harmful factor, while the harm or threat of modern mass and social media not only does not solve the problem but also can facilitate the degree of orientation towards these media and the acceptance of undesirable values ​​of foreigners. It seems that the most important solution in this field is empowering society by providing media literacy training; For many people, lack of reliable media literacy has caused them to absorb different cultural, social, and political values ​​that are transmitted through the media faster, while people with media literacy play an important role in Analyzing the messages of the media and absorbing and choosing the values ​​that are appropriate to the individual's point of view. Therefore, media literacy is as effective as the media itself in attracting and influencing individual values. Having media literacy makes the type of values ​​transferred, whether they are favorable or unfavorable, and their absorption or non-absorption by the audience is accelerated or slowed down. Today, many useful values, such as economic values, which emphasize empowerment, entrepreneurship, or self-employment, and can lead a large number of unemployed and unemployed graduates to entrepreneurship, should be viewed positively, and economic values should be accepted according to the economic development of the society, or cultural values ​​such as intellectual and financial independence, creativity and innovation, or social values ​​such as free and transparent dialogue and expression and preventing self-censorship, or political values ​​such as equality, political participation All-round to the extent that it does not conflict with the national-religious values, it can create deep changes in the moods and attitudes of the Iranian society and different generations, but these developmental values ​​can only be achieved by having media literacy. It is a realization. The current situation shows that there is no special program for teaching media literacy in schools and universities, and basically, modern media are considered harmful from the point of view of policymakers. Social, economic, political, and cultural development does not happen or happens with a delay, which will bring many negative effects and consequences. Based on this, the main question of the research is what effect does media literacy have on development values ​​with the approach of intergenerational differences?
Methods: The current research method was a survey and the data collection tool was a Likert scale questionnaire with good reliability and validity. The statistical population of all Tehrani citizens belonged to the three generations of the revolution, and the sampling method was a two-stage cluster. Based on the division of Tehran into rich, semi-rich, and low-rich sectors, 3 regions were selected from each region and then the studied generations were selected from each region. Based on Cochran's formula, 384 people were selected as a sample for the unknown statistical population at the error level of 5%, which increased to 400 people in each section. The total number of respondents was 1200 in the well-off, semi-well-off, and low-well-off sections, 400 questionnaires were distributed to each section, and 133 questionnaires were distributed in each region (44 first-generation people, 44 second-generation people, and 44 third-generation-people).
Results: The results showed that media literacy has no effect on social values ​​and economic values ​​among the first generation, while media literacy has no effect on social values ​​and economic values ​​among the second and third generations. It has a positive effect. Media literacy has a positive effect on cultural values ​​among the first, second, and third generations.
Conclusion: In society, media literacy education helps to develop critical thinking and active participation in media culture. It aims to give people more freedom by empowering them to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media. Therefore, in general, it should be said that the different generations studied have been able to strengthen a level of media literacy skills in themselves, and this level of media literacy also strengthens the movement towards different development values. It is In this regard, it is suggested that: media literacy training by experienced teachers and experts in Tehran neighborhoods should be conducted regularly by the neighborhood management. It is suggested that to promote development-oriented economic values, laws should be passed in which the areas of legal discrimination or the promotion of positions and positions, especially for women, are eliminated, as well as fair wages and sustainable employment for disadvantaged groups. It is acceptable to arise. It is suggested that scientific and cultural centers in different regions of each season by holding ceremonies related to the celebrations of Iranian ethnic groups increase the level of social tolerance and, accordingly, promote cultural values ​​based on the creativity of different ethnic groups among the citizens.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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