Volume 30, Issue 5 (8-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(5): 259-266 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.077
Clinical trials code: 01

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Mohammadi Mirazizi M R, Yarvaysi R. Investigating the Relationship between Classroom Management an Academic Optimism and Academic Vitality of Farhangian University Students. RJMS 2023; 30 (5) :259-266
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8677-en.html
Department of Educational Sciences, Farahgian University of Kermanshah, Kermanshah, Iran , mohammadi5555@cfu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (485 Views)
Background & Aims: One of the important challenges of professors in classrooms is to focus students' attention on subjects and help them learn. One of the fundamental changes that happened in recent decades in the field of psychology is that, unlike the previous psychologists, they focused their research and scientific works on the disturbing aspects of thoughts and pathological aspects of the psyche. Focused on human beings, today many psychologists, in addition to dealing with the morbid and pathological aspects of the human psyche, also pay attention to the positive aspects of human thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and behaviors. The concept of optimism is one of the central and important topics of positive psychology, which emerged in the field of psychology as a result of the value change in beliefs, in recent decades, by people such as Allport, Erikson, Fromm, Maslow, Rogers, and Peterson. Tries to make the presence of positive components in various aspects of human life more vivid and impressive with scientific methods and perspective. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of classroom management training on the academic optimism and academic vitality of Farhangian University of Kermanshah students.
Methods: In terms of purpose, the present study is applied, and in terms of method, it is correlational descriptive research with the aim of investigating the effect of classroom management training on the academic optimism and academic vitality of 2022 incoming students of Farhangian University in Kermanshah province. There have been. In this research, measures academic optimism from Baird et al.'s academic optimism questionnaire (2010) and academic vitality from the academic vitality questionnaire with 9 items, modeled after the academic vitality scale of Martin and Marsh-2006, which had four items, and classroom management from The classroom management style questionnaire was based on Wolfgang and Glickman's theoretical framework and modeled after the teachers' beliefs about classroom control (ABCC) questionnaire by Martin et al. (1998). SPSS-22 software was used to analyze all statistical data.
Results:  According to table (3), because the significance level of the variables of academic optimism and classroom management of teachers (Sig=0.000) is smaller than the predicted error value, so the relationship between the variables is statistically significant and where the calculated correlation coefficient is equal to 0.421. Therefore, with a confidence level of 95%, we can conclude that there is a direct and meaningful relationship between academic optimism and classroom management of professors; That is, with the increase in the classroom management of professors, academic optimism increases and vice versa. According to Table (4), because the value of the significance level of the variables of academic vitality and classroom management of professors (Sig=0.000) is smaller than the predicted error value, therefore the relationship between the variables is statistically significant and since the correlation coefficient calculated It is equal to 0.497. Therefore, with a confidence level of 95%, we can conclude that there is a direct and meaningful relationship between academic vitality and classroom management of professors; That is, with the increase in the classroom management of professors, academic vitality increases and vice versa. The results of Table (5) show that the direct effect of classroom management on academic vitality with the path coefficient (0.555) and (t=6.317), the direct effect of classroom management on academic optimism with the path coefficient (0.408) and (t = 3.887) and the direct effect of academic optimism on academic vitality with the path coefficient (0.259) and (t = 3.034) is significant and positive, and according to these results, the relationship between the research variables is confirmed. To investigate the relationship between classroom management and students' academic vitality and academic optimism, the indirect effect coefficient should be calculated. There is a relationship between professors' classroom management students' academic vitality and their academic optimism. The coefficient of the indirect effect of class management on academic optimism and academic vitality of students is equal to 0.660, which shows that the variable of classroom management has an effect on the relationship between academic optimism and academic vitality of students. Because the significance level of academic optimism and academic vitality variables (Sig=0.000) is smaller than the predicted error value (0.05), therefore the relationship between the variables is statistically significant, and since the calculated correlation coefficient is equal to 0.421, so the null hypothesis is rejected and the research hypothesis is confirmed. Therefore, with a confidence level of 95%, we can conclude that there is a direct and meaningful relationship between academic optimism and the academic vitality of students; That is, with the increase in academic optimism, the academic vitality of students increases. According to the amount of variance analysis obtained, the paths of predicting academic vitality by the components of professors' classroom management are significant at the level of 0.01.
Conclusion: Class management by professors and its effect on academic optimism in the field of education is like a double-edged sword, one edge of which is a threat that causes weakness in the moral system, which leads to a decrease in communication and an increase in damages. Academic optimism is the belief that the student will be successful academically, this belief increases the expectation of success in students, and as it was said, this increases the student's motivation for better performance. On the other hand, today, based on the realities and relying on the natural needs of humans, they rely on a series of human values and principles, on the strategic role of humans in the organization, and consider humanitarian activities in strategic planning. They know it is necessary. Academic optimism is a personal belief that is formed in a person under the influence of environmental factors. This belief points to the fact that in the case of establishing trusting relationships between students and teaching staff, the presence of academic emphasis in the environment, and the formation of a sense of unity with the educational environment, a person will gain high motivation and achieve success in the path of progress. If the learning process in students is to go well, it is necessary to pay attention to various factors. Apart from internal and individual factors that have a colorful role in learning, external factors also have a direct impact on the learning process. According to the obtained results, classroom management training of professors has an effect on the academic optimism and academic vitality of Farhangian University of Kermanshah students.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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