Volume 29, Issue 5 (8-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(5): 182-188 | Back to browse issues page

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Asefifar F, Hosseini S, Ghorbannia M R, Khalilizadeh Mahani F, Moradzadeh Khorasani S, Yadegarpour H. Investigating the Effectiveness of Treatment Based on Acceptance and Commitment on the Rate of Emotional Divorce in Women Seeking Divorce. RJMS 2022; 29 (5) :182-188
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8659-en.html
Master's degree in General Psychology, Kish branch, Islamic Azad University, Kish, Iran , hanie.yad.2800@gmail.com
Abstract:   (225 Views)
Background & Aims: The family is the main pillar of any society. In recent years, international societies have tried to preserve the structure of families, emotional divorce can be considered as a destructive factor for families, and societies are trying to solve it. The Iranian family has been exposed to structural changes in the current era, which has transformed the existing relationships among family members. As a result of this transformation, the norms have not yet come to the social scene as rules of behavior that are accepted by everyone, that's why the behavior in the family environment is scattered. According to official statistics in Iran, out of every 1000 marriages, about 200 cases lead to divorce, and Iran is the fourth country in the world in terms of the ratio of divorce to marriage. Therefore, this study examined the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on the emotional divorce rate in women applying for divorce.
Methods: This research was conducted as a semi-experimental method with control and experimental groups. The sampling method was a cluster random sampling in which 30 women seeking divorce were divided into two control groups (15 people) and an experimental (15 people) the experimental group participated in 8 one-hour therapy sessions and the data were The emotional divorce questionnaire was obtained and the results were analyzed using the statistical method of covariance analysis. According to the subject of the research, the current research is semi-experimental. In an overview of experimental research (experimental, semi-experimental), it can be said that the effect of one or more independent variables on one or more dependent variables is studied. This type of research, in cases where it is possible to manipulate the variables, can provide important knowledge and information about the cause-and-effect relationships between the variables. The semi-experimental design used in the research is a two-group design (one experimental group and one control group) with pre-test-post-test. Sampling in this research will be cluster random sampling, in this way, consultation centers and courts will be referred to, and relevant officials will be requested to introduce divorce applicants to the researcher, after the necessary explanations and consent form 30 people will be selected to participate in the research and divided into two control and experimental groups. The research tool in this article was an emotional divorce questionnaire. This questionnaire was compiled by Gutman (1995). This questionnaire has 24 items and is scored as yes (one) or no (zero). If the number of positive answers is zero or higher, it means that the person's married life has been exposed to separation and signs of emotional divorce are evident in him; therefore, high scores on this scale show that the probability of emotional divorce is higher. The face and construct validity of the verification tool and its reliability have been reported as 0.91 Cronbach's alpha. To obtain construct validity, factor analysis with the varimax rotation method was used.
Results: The results showed that treatment based on acceptance and commitment has an effect on the rate of emotional divorce in women applying for divorce. By controlling the impact of the auxiliary variable (pre-test) on the dependent variable, there is a significant difference between the two groups in terms of emotional divorce (significant value less than 0.05), or other words, it affects emotional divorce. Table 5-4 shows the mean post-test and pre-test values ​​of emotional divorce in the control and experimental groups (therapy based on commitment and acceptance). This indicates that the treatment based on commitment and acceptance has been able to improve the emotional divorce and has caused a significant reduction in the emotional divorce of these people in the experimental group. On the other hand, because the eta squared value for the group is equal to 0.71, it can be said that 71% of the total variance and dispersion of the emotional divorce variable is explained by the group effects.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that this treatment can be used to increase the level of marital satisfaction and reduce emotional divorce in families. He said that from the point of view of treatment based on acceptance and commitment, human suffering is rooted in psychological inflexibility which is created by cognitive confusion and experiential avoidance, the tendency to absorb mental experiences or fight with them through avoidance is one of the causes of psychological damage. Is. The basic concept in treatment based on acceptance and commitment is that suffering and psychological reflections are caused by avoidance and cognitive fusion experiences of failure to meet behavioral needs and align with basic values. The therapist's goal is not based on acceptance and commitment to reduce symptoms, but that is what we will achieve as a byproduct of the healing process. Therapy based on acceptance and commitment changes the relationship between problematic thoughts and feelings so that people do not perceive them as pathological symptoms and even learn to perceive them as harmless (even if they are uncomfortable and unpleasant). Regarding emotional divorce, some experts believe that it is the person's double effort to avoid the experience of anxiety that ultimately aggravates his symptoms. Experiential avoidance occurs when a person does not want to maintain his relationship with some specific personal experiences and tries to change the difficulty or frequency of these events even if it is at the cost of a behavioral change.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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