Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-9 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.101
Clinical trials code: 01

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Farhang Esfahani A. Examining the Relationship between Job Burnout and Social Responsibility Among Management Students of Esfahan Azad University. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-9
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8647-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Bandar Abbas Unit, Islamic Azaduniversity, Bandar Abbas, Iran , Farhang.1397.D@gmail.com
Abstract:   (661 Views)
Background & Aims: Job burnout is a term that sometimes can be used instead of equivalents such as tension, burnout, apathy, incapacitation, burnout, excessive fatigue, exhaustion, and mental erosion. There is no consensus among psychologists on the definition of job burnout. Some groups consider job burnout to be the same as job stress. The result of job burnout is the loss of motivation, enthusiasm, energy, and reduced performance in life. Job burnout is not only fatigue and pressure caused by work, which occurs after continuous work, but also a person's lifestyle and his hours outside of work. They spread. Job burnout was defined for the first time in the 1970s. He called this phenomenon the syndrome of analysis of physical and mental powers, which occurs in people working in helping professions where people spend many hours in close contact with other people. Therefore, it can be said that job burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental fatigue that occurs due to continuous and frequent emotional pressure caused by intensive and long-term interaction with clients. Research results show that mental pressure can include both physical and mental dimensions. Symptoms and complications of mental stress can be manifested in physical, mental, and behavioral forms. Social responsibility and its effect on student job burnout is like a double-edged sword. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between job burnout and social responsibility among management students.
Methods: The present research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of correlational method because it seeks to investigate the relationship between job burnout and the social responsibility of students of Isfahan Azad University. The population of this research includes all management students of Azad University of Isfahan city, which according to the inquiry of university education was equal to 95 people who were studying in 2022-2023. The sample size was 77 people selected through a stratified sampling method through Morgan's Kargesi table. In this research, Carroll's Social Responsibility Questionnaire (1991) was used to measure social responsibility. This questionnaire has 20 questions and 4 components of economic responsibility, legal responsibility, moral responsibility, and social responsibility, and is based on a Likert scale from one to five (I completely disagree, 1 point, I disagree, 2). I have no opinion, 3 points, I agree, 4 points, I completely agree, 5 points) measures the social responsibility of the organization with questions such as (I help my colleagues to perform their duties efficiently). The job burnout questionnaire for teachers was created by Masalesh in 1985. This tool is a questionnaire that is based on a new estimation of the phenomenon of stress or burnout. This questionnaire has 22 questions that measure emotional burnout, the phenomena of depersonalization and lack of personal fulfillment in the context of professional activity, and especially to measure the follow-up of the phenomenon of burnout in professional groups, such as nurses. Teachers, etc. are closed to work.
Results: Among the dimensions of job burnout, the highest mean is related to the dimension of lack of personal success (24.94), and the lowest mean is related to the dimension of depersonalization among women (8.57). One of the most important prerequisites for performing parametric tests is checking the normality of the data distribution in the dependent variable. For this purpose, for each of the examined variables separately from each of the groups, a test of the normality of the data distribution has been performed. As can be seen in Table 3, because the value of sig calculated in all variables is greater than 0.05, therefore the null hypothesis is confirmed and the H1 hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, the data follow the normal distribution, and parametric tests can be used to check the research hypotheses, and in this research, Pearson's correlation test was used to measure the research hypotheses. The results of regression analysis and Pearson correlation related to research hypotheses are shown in the table below. Based on the results of Table 4, it is shown that the calculated Pearson's correlation (-0.141) with a significance level (0.0035) is lower than the error level of 0.05, so this obtained correlation coefficient is significant.
Conclusion: Social responsibility and its effect on job burnout among students is like a double-edged sword, one edge of which is a threat that causes weakness in the ethics system, which leads to a decrease in communication and an increase in losses in the organization. Management will rely more on retrospective control because people provide constant information to management, and in this case, the organization's energy will turn into a negative one, and in other words, the organization will be used instead of the goal; Rumors, backbiting, will be ineffective. The other edge of this sword is opportunity. The philanthropic dimension of social responsibility has a significant effect on students' activities and results. Humanitarian activities increase individual and social productivity; and improve communication; it reduces the degree of risk; Because when humanitarian activities are dominant in the organization, the organizations have a good reputation and credibility. On the other hand, today scientists rely on facts and relying on the natural needs of humans, a string of human values ​​and principles, on the strategic role of humans in the organization, and consider humanitarian activities in strategic planning. They know it is necessary. Social responsibility is an individual belief that is formed in a person under the influence of environmental factors. Based on the obtained results, there is a relationship between job burnout and the social responsibility of students.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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