Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1401.170
Clinical trials code: 01

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Delbari Z, Salim Bahrami S, Baradaran A, Rezaeirad M. Qualitative Study of the Factors Involved in Virtual Education During the Corona Epidemic for Predictors of Academic Failure. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-11
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8604-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran , Hamidehsalimbahrami48@gmail.com
Abstract:   (683 Views)

Background & Aims: From the beginning of the closure of schools and universities to help eliminate this disease, the concern of developing and implementing educational programs to continue education at home and in-home quarantine conditions, to the biggest challenge of educational systems, that is, both education and Cultivation and higher education have become. This challenge and concern has been raised not only in our country but also for all the countries of the world, in such a way that international institutions and organizations such as the World Health Organization and UNICEF are working hard to develop curricula and guidelines and Educational and training guides have been forced for these conditions. One of the very important and serious programs that was proposed and carried out from the side of education and higher education is the discussion of electronic education or education through virtual space. Considering the importance of academic failure in the educational system for students, parents, and educational policymakers, especially during the coronavirus epidemic, the present research seeks to qualitatively investigate the factors involved in virtual education during the Corona epidemic and provide a model for predictions. It is a drop in education.
Methods: The current research method was a qualitative type of grounded theory. The research community included all students, teachers, and parents of secondary schools in Sabzevar city. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews. Data analysis in this section was done in two stages. In the first stage, it was done using thematic analysis. One of the simple and efficient methods of qualitative analysis is thematic analysis. This method was based on the assumption that by analyzing linguistic messages, it is possible to discover meanings, attitudinal priorities, and ways of understanding and organizing the world. To perform thematic analysis, the interview text with the participants is recorded and implemented. The text of the interviews will be reviewed several times and meaning units will be extracted from them. After identifying the primary semantic units from the text interviews, condensed semantic units were formed and codes were extracted. In this part, summarizing means reducing the size of semantic units and does not change the quality of the data, but creates compressed semantic units. After that, the units of analysis were reviewed several times and coded and categorized based on conceptual and semantic similarities. Also, experts and additional comments from colleagues were used to analyze and change information and review coding. Allocating enough time to this stage and having good communication with the interviewees were other factors that increased the credibility of the data. The obtained codes were classified based on their similarities and differences. The obtained categories were used to develop a model for predicting academic failure.
Results: The results showed that by examining and categorizing the descriptive codes obtained from the interview texts, 52 subcategories were identified and according to their similarity and semantic affinity, they were divided into 12 main categories in the form of 6 phenomena including causal conditions, central factor, intervening factors, background of the phenomenon, strategies and consequences were categorized. In the second stage, that is, axial coding, the main axes were formulated, and the meaning of important phrases was explained. The themes and concepts related to it are mentioned in the table below. At this stage, to comprehensively categorize the phenomena in the dominant of different influences on the phenomenon and in the framework of the underlying theoretical factors, to measure the model of relationships between factors in the form of 6 phenomena including causal conditions, central factor, intervening factors, substrate the phenomenon, strategies and consequences are categorized. In the selective coding stage, as the last stage of coding, categories, and general themes were replaced in the central codes proposed. The following is the final selection coding table.
Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be stated that during the occurrence of health-related crises such as the coronavirus, considering a preventive solution such as increasing the Internet platform, improving hardware and software, and creating a culture of using virtual space. He managed the consequences of the drop in education caused by the crisis, and it is necessary to pay attention to these matters. The results indicate that containment measures have had a very large impact on educational activities on average, and using new data on measures such as school holidays and staying at home and fiscal and monetary policies that have been implemented in response to the crisis. It is found that these measures brought the highest economic costs and the stagnation of some activities. In the wake of the epidemic of corona disease and with the virtualization of classes and training and the lack of attention of students to the lessons, as well as other factors such as being far from the space and environment of education, or perhaps the lack of work of students and sometimes teachers, has caused During this period, students will face a drop in academic performance and pay less attention to the lesson. Even at the beginning, some of the teachers and students were not familiar with these environments, and it took some time for them to settle in and receive proper training. Also, other problems such as disconnection and connection of virtual classes and slow internet have doubled the problems. In addition to the problems of the Shad network, teachers also face difficulties in transferring educational content. On the other hand, putting children on the computer or mobile phone system and doing homework has become one of the concerns of the family. Now, what should be done so that both the students understand the lesson well and follow it, and the families do not have to worry about their children's academic failure? Some students think that not going to school and staying at home means that school and lessons are closed.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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