Research code: 1401.021
Ethics code: IR.IAU.BOJNOURD.REC.1401.021
Clinical trials code: 1401.021

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, Public Administration, Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Bojnord Branch, Faculty of Humanities, Bojnord, Iran ,
Abstract:   (664 Views)
Psychological empowerment is instilling a sense of power in people because any management method that can strengthen people's sense of independence leads to a sense of power in them. Empowering human resources means creating the necessary capacities in employees to enable them to create added value in the organization (1). Psychological empowerment of employees as a new internal motivational approach means freeing the internal forces and power of people and also providing It is the platforms and creating opportunities for the flourishing of the talents, abilities and competencies of the employees and actually includes the perceptions of people regarding their role in the job and the organization. Psychological empowerment and giving freedom of action to employees is one of the basic strategies to increase performance and productivity in today's organizations. In order to increase productivity, most organizations focus a large part of their focus and attention on empowering employees (2).
Despite the increasing importance of human resources, less attention has been paid to the field of human resource empowerment in government organizations, and surveys indicate the lack of comprehensive internal research in this field in government organizations, especially banks. While empowerment can play an important role in the effectiveness of organizations and even though many managers consider empowerment as a skill that should be implemented and experienced, its actual implementation in management is rarely done today. take With this description, the purpose of this research is to deal with the issue of psychological empowerment of employees and its relationship with their job performance, since the researcher has observed and studied many articles related to the relationship of empowerment with job attachment and organizational citizenship behavior during the research. The second variable is tested as a mediating variable in the model.
The current research is developmental and practical in terms of purpose because it seeks to develop and design a model of psychological empowerment in banks, and in terms of method, it is descriptive-analytical and correlational with a survey group, and the nature of the research is a mixed method of exploration with integration. Qualitative and quantitative methods have been used. The technique used to explain the variables of psychological empowerment of the components, indicators and items related to them is based on the fuzzy Delphi technique. To examine other variables, standard questionnaires are used, and to infer research questions and model tests, a survey method based on structural equations is used. Considering that library methods and specialized books and articles related to the psychological empowerment of human resources are used in this research in order to increase the formal validity of the items and indicators related to the main variables in the pre-model and also because it is a survey method A survey of academic and experimental experts is used to examine the research questions, so it can be said that the current research has a descriptive-exploratory combined approach. In this research, after defining the topic, a set of factors and components affecting the psychological empowerment of human resources, which were explained based on the literature study and research background and interviews with experts, were identified and extracted, in the form of a primary research model including four variables. The main psychological empowerment of human resources along with the components and indicators related to these variables were classified and arranged in the form of a semi-structured questionnaire. Then, using the Delphi technique, this questionnaire was distributed among the experts in two rounds. (Given that the amount of disagreement between the experts between the first and second stages of the Delphi implementation was less than the very low threshold of 0.2, the survey was stopped in the second stage. In order to determine the sample size in the survey, the Kargesi Morgan table (1970) was used. Based on this and according to the mentioned table, the size of the population at the confidence level is 95% and the sampling error is 5%. There are 325 employees of Razavi Khorasan National Bank. Answering the research questions were chosen. For data analysis, two statistical methods have been used, including: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. In descriptive statistics, research variables are investigated with tools such as mean, standard deviation, and variance. In inferential statistics, confirmatory factor analysis was used to check the validity of the questionnaire, and structural equation modeling (SEM) was used with the help of smart pls4 software to check the research hypotheses.
In this research, the validity of the questionnaire has been obtained using two methods of face validity and factor validity. The face-content validity of the empowerment questionnaire has been confirmed by asking the opinion of respected professors of the university. Also, in this research, factor validity (factor analysis) was used to determine the validity of the questionnaire. Cronbach's alpha method is used to determine the reliability of the test. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for psychological empowerment variables (0.781) for constructs is higher than 0.7, which indicates the reliability of the questionnaires.
Descriptive study of the statistical sample of gender variable, 60% of the respondents were male. Also, 40% of respondents are women. Most of the respondents are over 30 years old. All the people present in this research have a master's degree and half of them have a doctorate degree, which shows the high level of knowledge and expertise of the people of this organization. The people present are at different levels of the organization and from different job positions. The significance path of the variables was confirmed based on t values and P values and the psychological empowerment variable was explained by its indicators. Convergent validity was assessed using average variance extracted (AVE). Since all the AVE values of the variables were higher than 0.50, the convergent validity was confirmed. Cronbach's alpha test and construct reliability are used to measure model reliability. Cronbach's alpha value higher than 0.7 is an acceptable indicator of reliability. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the measurement items of each construct is greater than 0.7, which indicates a satisfactory level of reliability. The composite reliability results are higher than the recommended value. Also, in order to evaluate the structural model, the R2 criterion is also considered. According to the obtained results, the suitability of the fit of the structural model is confirmed.
According to the research findings, it is concluded that there is a relationship between the obtained model of psychological empowerment. Considering the relationship between the dimensions of the obtained psychological empowerment model as a result of improving their job performance, the obtained model can be used. One of the important and effective components in the psychological empowerment of employees is mutual communication between managers and employees. The evaluation of the set of factors affecting this component showed that the most important ones are: trust in employees, effective handling of employee complaints, fair treatment of employees and appreciation of employees' hard work; Therefore, according to the mentioned cases: when managers make employees feel valuable and support them in doing their work, employees trust managers. Attention to employees creates a sense of peace, security and value in them.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Psychiatry

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