Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page

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Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.099
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Qezelsefloo A, Arasteh H, Zamani Moghadam A. Designing a Competency Model for Teaching Professors to Develop Their Cooperation with Universities. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-10
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8364-en.html
Professor of Higher Educational Administration, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran , arasteh@khu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (748 Views)
Background & Aims: Teaching professors usually have a limited relationship with other professors (faculty or teaching). In fact, they may have very little to do with the university itself. Most professors who have the right to teach do not participate in normal activities, university committee meetings, working groups, seminars, conferences, etc. As a result, teaching faculty, while being the center of the university's mission, feel isolated and do not have much connection with the institution, which leads to many problems in the academic world, including; Education, responsibility, development, access, communication, scientific levels and facilities, problems of the civil rights sector including; Protection laws, life and health insurance, job security, salaries and payment methods, gaps in regulatory bodies and problems in the social sector, including; Unemployment, migration and withdrawal of universities are part of their mission. Therefore, when these problems are prioritized in the categories, most of the discussion is focused on four issues: the type of contract status of faculty teachers, exploitation or lack of justice for faculty teachers, their morale or job satisfaction, and problems Education created by them. Today's universities are facing a two-faceted problem, on the one hand, they need to adapt to the requirements of the changing external environment. On the other hand, creative adaptation to external changes requires optimal use and changes in the way of looking at internal issues such as; Professors, faculty, students, processes, organizational culture, teaching methods, leadership style, structures, level of research, and interactions, the quality and quantity of specialized services, and these are related to the mission of the university. It can be Since scientific and technological institutions, including universities, have a prominent and undeniable role in scientific, cultural, social, economic, political, national, and international developments, the progress of universities and higher education centers, is considered the main indicators of development and progress of countries. In order to meet their needs, universities use professors with the right to teach in the field of education. Faculty professors, as part of the university's inputs, not only have different job titles but they are also treated differently. The experience of teaching professors in different universities is different. However, the main problems of Haq-al-Tadiris professors the non-allocation of required resources, discriminatory behavior, and lack of job security despite having sufficient qualifications and good performance. The professors wanted appropriate and appropriate educational facilities in the classes. They believed in equipment and necessities as the main factors that could affect their educational methods. This is because appropriate educational equipment plays a significant role in learning and teaching methods at high levels, and teachers can create educational contexts that affect the quality of learning, considering that classroom conditions can also affect teachers. In order to improve qualified and competitive human resources, professors must have indicators such as; The ability to identify the problems and needs of society, be smart, flexible, and innovative, and have professional ethics and scientific personality so that they can play a role in the development and management of resources, governance and decision-making. According to the age of artificial intelligence, uncertainties, and very fast changes, the professors of teaching rights should adapt according to the environment in the field of education in order to use new technologies in the field of education in a good and quality way. This requires activities such as scientific lectures, participation in workshops, etc. Therefore, according to the said material, the explanation of the subject literature, the main problem, and one of the ways out of the current situation is the development of the cooperation of teaching faculty with universities, the development of the cooperation of teaching faculty has three basic dimensions, including Professional behavior and performance, organizational behavior and performance, and individual behavior and performance will be in the form of competencies that emerge in the scientific process in the form of theories, assumptions, methods, social activities, and group structures. The community of teaching faculty is one of the most important parts of the country's higher education, so far no research has been done on identifying their competencies in order to develop cooperation. Therefore, identifying the qualifications of teaching faculty to develop cooperation with universities is the main issue of this research.
Methods: This research was conducted qualitatively using the Delphi method. The participants of this research were, in the library section, upstream documents, key documents of higher education and theoretical foundations, and in the field section, academic experts, key informants, and higher education officials. People were selected by purposeful sampling with the criteria of at least 10 years of teaching, research, and management experience in different academic courses. Sampling was done with the participation of 20 experts and key informants. The data collection tool consisted of two parts, review and exploration of upstream documents, theoretical foundations and research background in the library part, and a semi-structured interview in the field part. The semi-structured interview with the participants continued until the theoretical saturation stage. Data analysis was done based on the Delphi technique.
Results: The findings of the research showed that the model of competencies for the development of cooperation among teachers includes 27 components and 3 dimensions (organizational competencies, individual competencies, and professional competencies). The participants mostly mentioned the dimensions of organizational competencies and professional competencies, but in the upstream documents, the dimensions of individual competencies were discussed more. Of course, the components of self-efficacy, service to society, and job commitment were emphasized both in the upstream documents and in the opinions of the participants.
Conclusion: In general, it can be acknowledged that it is recommended to the managers and officials of the higher education system to determine the factors affecting the self-efficacy of teaching professors based on successful experiences, showing the positive performance of others, and identifying goals. It is recommended to the managers and officials of the higher education system to determine the factors affecting the formation of the self-efficacy of teachers based on successful experiences, showing the positive performance of others, and identifying mission-oriented goals and patterns through high empowerment courses. to Use innovative and creative methods such as problem-solving and creative thinking for service delivery skills. It is recommended to the managers and officials of the higher education system to provide professional identity by removing the boundaries and social differences of professors in universities and higher education centers. It is recommended to managers and officials of the higher education system to institutionalize job commitment by providing opportunities to improve the skills and knowledge of professors. It is recommended to the administrators and officials of the higher education system to promote the use of teaching technology by creating technology-oriented infrastructures and developing modern technology in universities in order to improve the effectiveness of professors. It is recommended to the administrators and officials of the higher education system to create a biological and organic structure with the changing environmental conditions with the possibility of flexibility and freedom of action for the professors to create educational innovation.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: medical education

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