Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Mousavi E, Khoshnam E, Afrozeh M S, Dastbarhagh H. The Relationship between Cybernetic Management Functions and Organizational Inertia with the Mediating Role of Knowledge Management. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-11
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7959-en.html
Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch, Jahrom, Iran , khoshnam.ebrahim2022@gmail.com
Abstract:   (410 Views)

Background & Aims: Another intelligence to prevent inertia is to create knowledge transformations in the organization. Knowledge management is today's organizational effort, including factors facilitating the organization's progress. It should be noted that organizations need people who respond appropriately to environmental challenges, are not afraid to share knowledge and information and stand up for their own beliefs and the beliefs of their teams. In today's world, skills that efficiently transform knowledge and information into new and innovative services and goods are the hallmarks of successful knowledge-based economies. Since knowledge and information have become a common currency for achieving productivity, competitiveness, wealth, and prosperity, countries have also given higher priority to human capital development. Thus, governments around the world have focused on strategies to increase access to better quality and effective education. Decision makers and policymakers have also sought to find answers or answers to key and challenging questions within the organization. Of course, knowledge management has various types, and some researchers acknowledge that methods such as knowledge integration and integration in any organizational environment can yield better results. In the competitive environment of organizations, management practitioners are always trying to increase the prosperity of their institution by creating a sustainable competitive advantage through improving organizational performance. Given global competition, performance evaluation is needed for the survival of the organization, and the main reason for evaluating and measuring organizational performance is to increase the overall effectiveness of the organization and business processes and to allow managers to focus their attention on areas that need improvement. The present study was conducted to explain the relationship between cybernetic management functions and organizational inertia with the mediating role of knowledge management.
Methods: This research is applied in terms of purpose and was conducted using a descriptive-survey method. The statistical population of the present study consisted of 366 employees of the sports and youth departments of Fars province in 2010, including managers, deputies, and experts. The statistical sample size of this study was 59 managers, deputies, and 169 experts, selected as samples using the Morgan table and the stratified random sampling method. The research tools included the Cybernetics Management Questionnaire of Ghorbaniazadeh (2010), Churchill and McKenzie's Organizational Inertia (2014), Newman and Conrad's Knowledge Management (1999), and demographic variables. In this study, information was collected in two library sections to collect materials, theoretical foundations, and research background. In addition, with the coordination between the university and the General Directorate of Sports and Youth of Fars Province, the research questionnaires were distributed in the field and using the standard questionnaires explained in the measurement tool section, among all the deputies and the director of the General Directorate of Sports and Youth of Fars Province and the heads and deputies of the departments of the counties, as well as the administrative staff of the General Directorate of Sports and Youth of Fars Province and the staff of the departments of sports and youth of this province, who were selected as the statistical sample, and were collected after completion. It should be noted that the confidentiality of the information was announced to the statistical samples and they were asked to answer the questionnaire questions at an appropriate time with the necessary accuracy and without bias, margins, and disturbing matters. In addition, to prevent the dropout of the subjects, a larger number of questionnaires were distributed and collected than the statistical samples. In the data analysis section, the research information and data were initially examined based on descriptive statistics to analyze the demographics of the employees (tables, frequencies, averages and graphs). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K.S) test was also used to determine the normality of the data. In the inferential statistics section, if the conditions for using parametric tests were met, the structural equation model and path analysis were used. In addition, the pls method was used to examine the research hypotheses at the level of the director and deputy staff officers and departments, which were few. It should be noted that SPSS (version 23), Amos (version 18), and Smart Pls (version 3) software were used to analyze the data, and the hypotheses were tested at the α ≥ 0.05 level.
Results: The results of the study showed that the functions of cybernetic management and knowledge management have a direct effect on reducing organizational inertia. The results of the study also showed that the functions of cybernetic management have an indirect effect on reducing organizational inertia with the mediating role of employee knowledge management. Using the bootstrapping method, the factor loadings and the significance test of the components were presented. In this table, the convergent index at the component level has been examined. The factor loading at the component level must be at least greater than 0.4. The best value for factor loadings is in the range of 0.7 to 0.9. The factor loadings of all components are within the desired range and are statistically significant. To examine the reliability and validity of the constructs at the construct level, Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability coefficient, and average extracted variance indices have been used, the results of which are presented in Table 7.
Conclusion: However, it should be noted that among the employees of the sports and youth departments of Fars province, knowledge in the true sense is a set of human skills and capabilities that are accompanied by awareness and knowledge of better production methods. In fact, knowledge is the foundation of the skills, experience, and expertise of every employee or manager, so that the employees of the sports and youth departments of Fars province, by acquiring knowledge management, acquire the right knowledge at the right time, which enables them to make the best decisions. Therefore, knowledge management can increase the negative effect of cybernetic management of sports and youth departments of Fars province on the organizational inertia of the employees of that department. Therefore, cybernetic management affects the organizational inertia of employees with the mediating role of knowledge management. Considering the results of the research that showed that cybernetic management has a direct and indirect effect on the organizational performance of employees, it is therefore suggested that through evaluation methods, the performance of the departments of the counties be determined and the various functions of cybernetic on organizational performance be determined and applied.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Public Health

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