Volume 29, Issue 10 (12-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(10): 268-278 | Back to browse issues page

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Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1401.171
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Khalili Dehkordi K, Ismail Nia Shirvani K, Bagherpur M. The Effect of Virtual Education During the Corona Pandemic on Critical Thinking. RJMS 2022; 29 (10) :268-278
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-7653-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran , kesmaeilnia2022@gmail.com
Abstract:   (988 Views)
Background & Aims: In the last two years, with the outbreak of the Covid-19 disease, various parts of higher education were affected, especially the education of medical students. With the spread of this disease, the involved countries inevitably changed their current educational methods and took measures in this field. The process of teaching and learning should continue and this view led to the emergence, discovery, and application of a wide range of online teaching-learning methods. Attendance in class is especially important when teaching medical sciences because learners are trained to solve problems, critically analyze, and make therapeutic recommendations, and absenteeism is a concern. Following the formulation of the comprehensive program in the field of education, to plan for the realization of the policies and strategies contained in those operational packages, operational plans, and annual projects are implemented based on them. Following the aim of higher education in the health system and the educational transformation and innovation plan in Iran's universities of medical sciences, twelve educational packages were placed as the basis of educational transformation and development. One of the most important packages of the transformation plan was the virtual education package. For the development of virtual education, 8 steps of training manpower, regulation of laws, encouragement, and motivation, production of electronic content, provision of infrastructure, production and dissemination of knowledge, development of virtualization, and novelty, and innovation were determined as the main strategies. With the emergence of the phenomenon of Covid-19 and its stability with new strains in the context of other effective factors and the forced movement of the education system at different stages towards virtual education as the dominant method and most fields as the only educational method, this question In the minds of the beneficiaries of the education process, especially the executors, it raises the question whether the virtual education methods as previously considered as a goal and ideal; Are they responsive to teaching and learning needs? Many things have been said and written about the problems of classrooms before the contemporary period. Now and in the new conditions, it seems that some of the previous problems have been strengthened. By default, advantages are also considered for virtual education, but of course, the question must also be answered which of these "Educational benefits" can only be accessed through virtual training and cannot be obtained in face-to-face training? It seems that now, despite the new experiences in the field of virtual education, there is an opportunity to move away from the past positive and current negative emotions and perceptions towards this type of education; The real place of virtual education in the cultural context of the country's education system should be determined and operational planning should be done free of unrealistic idealism to improve the quality of education and increase students' participation in this process. Although the corona pandemic caused many problems on all the indicators of society, including the health of the people, it led to the flourishing of some capabilities in the country, among which we can mention the spread and prosperity of virtual education throughout the country. It seems that virtual education has entered a new phase in our country and more attention has been paid to virtual education. On the other hand, those responsible for the matter have become more aware of the importance of distance education and e-learning-based education. Therefore, it is expected that with the development of the necessary infrastructure such as the development of the nationwide Internet network and increasing its speed, the production of interactive educational software, and the use of the experiences gained in this pandemic, we will witness
the increasing prosperity of virtual education in the country, and even after the end of the Corona epidemic, this type of training should continue alongside face-to-face training. In the field of medical education, the development of online simulators in field of medicine, the promotion of virtual hospitals and remote medicine (telemedicine), the presentation of virtual cases, and the holding of online tests can help in promoting virtual education. Critical thinking is a general term that is often used to refer to two very different concepts, ability, and desire. Ability refers to a person's ability to think critically, while willingness refers to a person's desire to think critically. The virtual approach will be a suitable field for the emergence of talents, creativity, and innovations. Also, with the continuous and low-cost expansion of the virtual education system and the reduction of the need for space, space and place, educational facilities and welfare facilities for this need and the dominance of information technology and communication technology and its influence on different levels of people's lives, the traditional concept. The class has changed and ultimately increases the efficiency of the education process. Considering the importance of virtual education during the corona pandemic period and its role in the critical thinking of students of higher health education and the explanations provided, the question raised here is that the general perception of virtual education during the corona pandemic period and the critical thinking of students in How is the corona pandemic period and what are the requirements of this field?
Methods: The study method was mixed, in the qualitative part, the statistical population included 18 expert professors, 10 of whom were selected by purposive sampling, and 1665 graduate students and assistants of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in the department. 312 people were selected using Cochran's formula. In order to collect data, the researcher-made questionnaire of virtual education and critical thinking Ritex (2003). Exploratory factor analysis tests were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that the coefficients of the path, the factor load of 0.708 against 0.644 are established between virtual training and the critical thinking and the effect of virtual education on critical thinking during the Corona pandemic has become significant.
Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that in order to improve the level of critical thinking, virtual education can be used alongside real education. With the sudden and immediate closure of universities, the corona pandemic has changed the educational and research structure. This critical situation has created many concerns, including the decline in the quality of education and an uncertain future for students. In Iran, in most parts of the world, since the early days of the Corona outbreak, the use of various electronic and virtual education methods as an alternative to face-to-face education has been on the agenda.
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Type of Study: review article | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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