Volume 14, Issue 55 (7-2007)                   RJMS 2007, 14(55): 35-45 | Back to browse issues page

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Babaei S, Changizy Ashtiani S. Comparative Assessment of the Healing process of Two Kinds of Endochondral Bone Allografts with each other and with Intramembranous Allografts Assisted by Double Deantigenization . RJMS 2007; 14 (55) :35-45
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-730-en.html
Abstract:   (12816 Views)

    Background & Aim: When comparing bone autograft and allograft, conditions like performing two surgeries at the same time in an individual, size limitations of autografts, bleeding etc. forced specialists to think about the possible substitution of autografts with the allograft. In this study considering the importance of the kind of the chosen bone for graft, its embryologic origin, its histological structure and also the effective factors that increase the success rate of allografts including the deantigenization method, the healing process of all kinds of Corticocancellous and cortical allografts originating from endochondral bones are compared with each other and with Corticocancellous allografts originating from intramembranous bone. Also the efficiency of deantigenization method is assessed. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study performed on New Zealand white rabbit 42 grafts including 30 grafts in experimental group (including 10 Corticicancellous intramembranous allografts from skull bone(COI), 10 Corticocancellous endochondral allografts from Hip bone(COE) and 10 cortical endochondral allografts from Tibia bone(CE)) were implanted 2cm below the rabbit knee joint. Six autografts, after deantigenization were implanted in Sham group to assess the effects of deantigenization over repair and healing process. Six autografts were implanted in Control group without deantigenization to assess the effects of surgery method and operation room conditions over repair and healing process. They were compared with presence or absence of bone callous and histological decalcified microscopic sections were used to assess the healing process. The results were evaluated by SPSS, Version 11.5 and by Odds ratio Analysis and Fischer's Exact test. Results: The success rate for(COI) grafts was 80%, for(COE) grafts was 60% and for(CE) group was 70%. In sham group healing process was extremely fast(in eight weeks). In control group healing process was obviously slower(till 12 weeks), but after 12 weeks it was compensated. The vacant holes weren't repaired even after three months. Conclusion: The success rate for(COI) grafts was more than(COE) and(CE) but according to statistical analysis this difference is meaningless(Pv>0.05). According to microscopical survey intramembranous allografts have higher rate and speed in :::union::: and healing process.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Histology

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