Volume 29, Issue 6 (9-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(6): 48-59 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 148484850305512176321
Ethics code: IR.IAU.B.REC.1401.004
Clinical trials code: IR.IAU.KH.REC.1398.006

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Nalchi M, Daraei M, Pourhosseini E. Analysis of the Components of the Conflict and Anger Control Model of the Managers of Medical Universities of Iran. RJMS 2022; 29 (6) :48-59
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6953-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Khorramabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad, Iran , mehry_daraei@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1578 Views)
Background & Aims: Conflict is considered as an inevitable and integral part of organizational life that occurs in the organization for various reasons. Conflict resolution solutions and strategies in organizations are very diverse and each has its strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the best solution to resolve the conflict of any organization is the solution that is designed according to the characteristics of the organization at the required time and place. Anger control and conflict resolution are communication skills that most people lack. One of the most important reasons for people's unhappiness and dissatisfaction with life is that they do not have a good relationship with each other and cannot manage their conflicts. Anger is one of the main emotions of human beings and sometimes it is a cover for other emotions. In fact, part of the anger that people experience is secondary excitement. Anger, if it is the primary emotion, can be rooted in frustrations, deprivations, punishments, and childhood threats. Therefore, it can be said that anger is one of the human emotions that can be expressed verbally or non-verbally. By controlling anger, you can solve problems and misfortunes with a better feeling and build stronger relationships with others. Anger can only turn into a destructive feeling if left unchecked and have dire consequences in one's life. Conflict resolution strategies and strategies in organizations are very diverse and each has its strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the best solution to resolve the conflict of any organization is the solution that is designed according to the characteristics of the organization at the required time and place. Universities of medical sciences as an organization and institution consisting of a set of vice chancellors, departments, and employees and pursuing a variety of goals are no exception to this and may be subject to organizational conflicts at any time. Considering the effect of conflict on the quantity and quality of medical universities performance, staff efficiency, achievement of university goals and success, conduct this study to identify the causes of conflict, types and levels of conflict in medical universities in order to design a model. Comprehensive and integrated in resolving these conflicts is essential so that the university management can resolve its organizational conflicts based on this model, improve the performance of the organization and ensure the sustainable life of the organization. A review of studies on conflict and anger management shows that this issue is less discussed in medical universities. Also, because medical universities are one of the most important government organizations in the country, the existence of anger and conflict can have devastating effects on the performance of the organization and the university process in general, this research is important. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the components of conflict control and anger of medical university administrators.
Methods: The present study is objective in terms of purpose; and in terms of nature, it is a descriptive-survey research that was done using a mixed exploratory approach. The statistical population in the present study is experts in the field of medical sciences. Statistical sample was obtained by non-probability sampling in three steps. The research tools consist of three parts: 1. The first research tools are library studies by which the indicators of conflict management of the directors of medical universities were identified. 2- The second tool of the research is a semi-structured interview in the form of open-ended questions (15 questions) which were completed by 15 experts in the field of medical sciences, conflict management indicators of the managers of medical universities. 3- The third research tool is a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire that was extracted from the results of the previous two tools. The research method in this section is the Delphi technique.
Results: Based on the results obtained from three Delphi rounds, 9 main components and 72 sub-components were finally selected as indicators of conflict management in medical universities. The main components of conflict management are: negotiation, cooperation, use of the suggestion system, avoidance, confrontation, flexibility and compromise, control, adaptation and change in relationships.
Conclusion: Managers of organizations, especially medical universities in the country to resolve conflict in the organization, first assess the conditions and situation as well as the severity of the conflict and use one of the conflict resolution methods. Compromise and flexible methods are recommended for further conflict problem. Based on the obtained results, it is suggested that the managers of organizations, especially the medical universities of the country, to resolve the conflict and anger in the organization, first assess the situation and also the severity of the conflict and anger and use one of the methods to solve Use conflict and anger. Methods that are compromising and flexible are recommended for more conflict problems, and other methods such as dominating or firing employees are best used if compromise is not possible.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: medical education

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