Volume 28, Issue 5 (8-2021)                   RJMS 2021, 28(5): 72-79 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 1
Ethics code: 1
Clinical trials code: 1

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Naeimi Nezamabad M, Vazifehdust H, Abdolvand M A, Khodayari B. Investigating the role of personality traits and psychological well-being on individuals' ethical behavior. RJMS 2021; 28 (5) :72-79
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6687-en.html
Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , vazifehdust@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2184 Views)
Background & Aims: Attention to ethical issues as a concern and one of the values in various fields and groups has received serious attention. Consumers are no exception. Consumers, as one of the most important pillars in today's society, need to have ethical behaviors more than ever (2). Ethical behaviors on the one hand can improve values and ethics in societies and on the other hand can promote individual order. This issue has caused the importance of paying attention to issues related to ethical behaviors as an important issue has been considered by various researchers (3).
In order to improve ethical behaviors, various aspects should be considered, including personality traits. Personality is a distinctive and specific pattern of thought, emotion and behavior that determines the style of his interaction with physical and social environments (9). One of the important variables in the path of ethical behaviors is psychological well-being. Psychological well-being is the ability to actively participate in work, recreation, create meaningful relationships with others, develop a sense of autonomy and purpose in life, and experience positive emotions (14).
However, not paying attention to consumers' ethical behaviors can lead to fundamental problems in areas related to consumers, including the environment. Given the key capacities of the environment, paying attention to the ethical behaviors of consumers can provide a basis for improving aspects of the environment. Due to the lack of sufficient scientific evidence on the relationship between the variables affecting the ethical behaviors of consumers, no serious activities have been created in this regard. On the other hand, the uncertainty of the role of personality traits, psychological well-being in predicting the ethical behavior of individuals, has led to insufficient concern in the way of improving the ethical behaviors of individuals. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the role of personality traits and psychological well-being on ethical behavior of individuals tries to answer the question that personality traits and psychological well-being have an effect on ethical behavior of individuals?
Methods: The present research is an applied research and a descriptive research that was conducted in the field. The statistical population of the present study consisted of consumers of food industry in Golestan province. Due to the lack of accurate information about their statistics and based on Cochran's formula and Krejcie and Morgan table, 384 people were selected as the available sample. To collect data from 3 questionnaires of Lozier (2013) ethical behaviors including 15 questions, Reef Psychological Welfare Questionnaire (1980) including 18 questions and Personality Traits Questionnaire (NEO) by McCray and Costa in 1985 and including 60 The question is used. The validity and reliability of the questionnaires were also confirmed. Finally, the structural equation method was used to analyze the data.
Results: According to the results of the research model and the degree of t-relationships, it was found that psychological well-being has an effect on ethical behavior of 0.627 and personality traits have an effect on ethical behavior of 0.394. Finally, it was found that the research model has a good fit in all indicators.
Conclusion: The results showed that improving the level of psychological well-being can improve ethical behaviors among individuals. This shows that in order to improve moral behaviors, focusing on improving psychological well-being is important and necessary. It seems that the functions of psychological well-being in order to promote the mental and intellectual context among consumers in order to recognize and follow the ethical aspects have caused psychological well-being to play an important role in the direction of ethical behaviors. However, it should be noted that everyone has a certain capacity to withstand the pressures of daily life. Maintain your psyche. Therefore, psychological well-being by providing people with their environment and creating conditions for people to adapt to the environment can provide the basis for appropriate response to environmental needs. This issue provides the ground for the occurrence of ethical behaviors among individuals.
Another finding showed that improving the level of personality traits can improve ethical behaviors among individuals. This shows that in order to improve ethical behaviors, focusing on adapting the status of personality traits is important and necessary. Personality traits are one of the most important aspects in individual domains. In other words, personality traits determine people's behaviors. This issue has led to the attention to personality traits in predicting the behaviors of individuals in various areas, including important and key ethical behaviors. With this in mind, personality traits have a good capacity to create individual and group contexts to influence the moral sphere. This issue has caused that in the present study, personality traits have a significant role on ethical behaviors, in other words, it can adequately overshadow the level of ethical behaviors.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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