Volume 28, Issue 4 (7-2021)                   RJMS 2021, 28(4): 95-104 | Back to browse issues page

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Allami F, IranZadeh S, Khadivi A, Budaghi Khajenobar H. Developing a model of psychological factors affecting ambidexterityin organizations. RJMS 2021; 28 (4) :95-104
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-6553-en.html
Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran , dr.iranzadeh@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (3055 Views)
Background & Aims: Dual power is very difficult because it involves two opposing processes of exploration and exploitation that must be managed simultaneously (3). Exploration refers to innovation, creativity, change and repetition, while exploitation refers to cost-effectiveness, implementation, re-launching processes and achieving goals (4). Organizational ambiguity is a new concept in management that can be discussed in relation to organizational survival and its performance. An organization needs organizational ambiguity to survive, grow, improve performance, innovate and be competitive in today's dynamic environment. Successful organizations in a dynamic environment are ambiguous by using the facilities at their disposal (exploiting) and discovering new opportunities (exploring). 11 The basic concept of ambivalent is the individual's ability to use both hands simultaneously. Some research has examined the prerequisites for ambivalence, for example, personal characteristics that can increase employees' ambiguity, including intrinsic motivation (17), cognitive information (18), self-efficacy (19), attitude and orientation. (20) is stress management and self-confidence for social support (21). Also, the relationships between psychological characteristics of the individual and ambivalence may be adjusted by other variables such as age, experience, and emotional intelligence (22, 23). Therefore, based on the existing theoretical foundations, the variables of psychological capital, intrinsic motivation, ability to cope with stress, competence mediated by emotional intelligence are defined as important psychological preconditions on the duality of the organization. But also provide new ground for fundamental research and new psychological strategies to increase organizational ambiguity for managers and decision makers. Therefore, the researcher seeks to answer the question of whether the pattern of psychological factors affecting ambiguity in organizations is sufficiently appropriate.
Methods: The present descriptive and applied research population consisted of managers of small and medium companies in Tabriz, which due to the unlimited population and 379 available managers of companies were selected as a sample. Then the emotional intelligence questionnaire has 33 questions and evaluation of three components (emotional evaluation and expression, emotional regulation and exploitation of emotion), dual-ability questionnaire has 14 questions and two components (exploratory and exploitation), internal motivation has 6 questions, management Stress has 34 questions and component evaluations (strategies for creating a sense of optimism, time management, recreational activities, exercise, putting the body at rest, putting others patiently on a diet) and psychological capital and psychological empowerment. Provide them with 15 questions and evaluation components (competency, management, assistance, management, etc.) and ask them to answer the questionnaire patiently and honestly. Finally, to describe the data, the mean and standard deviation in the form of SPSS software version 26, to examine the conceptual model, confirmatory factor analysis (measurement and structural model) version 9.3 was used.
Results: The results of confirmatory path analysis showed that the effect of psychological capital, intrinsic motivation, stress management and psychological empowerment and emotional intelligence on duality in organizations is positive and significant. Also, psychological capital and intrinsic motivation do not have a significant effect on duality in organizations, but also, the effect of stress management and psychological empowerment on duality in organizations is positive and significant (Table 1)
The results of celebrating the mediator variable showed that emotional intelligence does not have a mediating and significant role on the relationship between capitalism and the ambiguity of organizations, emotional intelligence does not play a mediating and significant role on the relationship between intrinsic motivation and ambiguity of organizations. Also, emotional intelligence has a positive and significant role on the relationship between stress management and ambiguity of organizations; Finally, emotional intelligence has a positive and significant role on the relationship between psychological empowerment and ambiguity of organizations (Table 2). It was also found that the proposed model has a good fit.
Conclusion: The results showed that increasing psychological capital leads to improving organizational ambiguity. In fact, psychological capital, by relying on the psychological variables of positivism such as hope and self-efficacy leads to the promotion of the value of human capital and social capital in the organization (26). Belief or confidence in one's abilities is known as self-efficacy. This belief and confidence in a person becomes success in performing certain tasks, and this success is also through motivating oneself, providing cognitive resources for oneself and The necessary actions are taken (27). Therefore, since ambiguity is very difficult, because it involves two opposing processes of exploration and exploitation that must be managed simultaneously (3). Therefore, having self-efficacy, optimism and resilience along with hope seem to play a significant role in organizational ambiguity.
Another finding showed that intrinsic motivation is one of the factors affecting organizational ambiguity. One of the most important factors influencing the performance of managers and employees is internal motivation. Employees who have strong motivation to do the job, do their job enthusiastically and have a lot of passion for their job. Thus, job aspiration - as a desirable resource - may lead to a positive cycle of resources and consequently positive effects on health (30), which results in the proper performance of the assigned job tasks or behaviors beyond it, such as individual ambiguity. it is possible.
The results showed that the use of stress management strategies can improve organizational ambiguity. Research has shown that job stress can reduce people's performance by affecting micro-factors such as sleep, lifestyle, food intake, fatigue and health complaints (32,31). Given that stress reduces organizational productivity, it seems logical that stress management through methods such as experiencing a sense of happiness, diet, recreation ... can address ambiguity as a dual opposite process and challenge Have a positive effect.
The results of the present study showed that psychological ability has a positive effect on organizational ambiguity. Psychological empowerment is the feeling and perception of the individual in the work environment that creates and strengthens the sense of empowerment in the mental dimensions of the individual leads to his empowerment. In fact, empowerment in organizations reflects the psychological state of employees. Psychological empowerment seems to create a sense of competence; To be meaningful; The right to choose and influence (34) can lead to the improvement of organizational ambiguity.
Finally, it was found that emotional intelligence has a positive effect on organizational ambiguity. But it only has a mediating and significant role between psychological empowerment and stress management with ambiguity. Emotional intelligence is one of the capabilities associated with success in life. Employees with high emotional intelligence are more conscientious because of their ability to evaluate and deal with emotions, understand the causes of stress, be gentle with problems, and control their own and others' emotions, and have more loyalty to the organization. Those people in the organization who have higher emotional intelligence are more successful in obtaining a job and job position (34).

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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