Background: Personality is a set of relatively stable psychological and behavioral characteristics of a person that is effective in the creation of psychological hardiness. The present study aimed to determine the relationship between personality characteristics and psychological hardiness of operating room staff.
Methods: This is a descriptive study which was done by correlation method. Statistical population of this study included all female staff of elective1 and plastic surgery operating room (operating room nurses, operating room technicians, and anesthesia technicians) of Al-Zahra Hospital of Isfahan. 101 participants were selected by using available sampling method as the sample size, and then Implemented NEO personality and Kubasa psychological hardiness were administered. To analyze the data, Pearson Correlation method and stepwise regression analysis were used.
Results: The results showed that just the conscionable aspect with the total score of psychological hardiness and its components have a significant relationship among the aspects of personality characteristics. Stepwise regression analysis also revealed that just the conscionable aspect could predict psychological hardiness among personality characteristics and its component.
Conclusion: According to the results of study, conscience can be effective in predicting psychological hardiness. It means that by increasing the level of conscience in people, psychological hardiness also increases significantly