Volume 20, Issue 111 (9-2013)                   RJMS 2013, 20(111): 12-15 | Back to browse issues page

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Nasiri R, Soltanghoraee H, Afsaneh Mohammadzadeh A, Zarnani A H, Jeddi-Tehrani M, Sadeghitabar A. Evaluation ofcoordination between diluted and undiluted serum estradiol levels using ELISA method inwomenunder treatment with ovulation induction drugs. RJMS 2013; 20 (111) :12-15
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-2714-en.html
Avicenna research institute, Tehran
Abstract:   (9393 Views)

Background: Measurement of estradiol level in women under treatment with ovulation induction drugs to make sure about sufficient ovum number in the infertility treatment protocol and also to prevent OHSS phenomenon, is an important and necessary factor. In case of high levels of Estradiol hormone, routine methods are unable to detect the real concentration of the hormone molecules. We are aimed to demonstrate the sensitivity of the ELISA method for Estradiol measurement and reliable range of this test.


Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 132 women were studied who have appealed to Avicenna infertility clinic for infertility treatment and have stimulated with ovulation induction drugs. DRG ELISA Estradiol kit made in Germany was used in this study. According to the studied population, serum Estradiol levels were higher than 200Pg/ml. To check the linearity of this method, serum samples of all these patients diluted 1:4 and were compared using EXCEL software and charts. 


Results: It was observed that, in Estradiol hormone concentrations higher than 2000 Pg/ml, the difference between the diluted and undiluted graphs increased and the linearity of the graph disappeared without dilution.


Conclusions: Dilution is necessary for the serum Estradiol concentrations more than 2000 Pg/ml and the results without dilution is not reliable. It should be considered in all infertility laboratories and also in other labs that the test linearity should be appointed in each lab to be applied in cases with higher concentrations.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Gynecology

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