Volume 18, Issue 90 (12-2011)                   RJMS 2011, 18(90): 7-16 | Back to browse issues page

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Darenhal M, Attarchi M, Seyed Mehdi S M, Rahimiyan A, Yazdanparast T. Factors affecting return to work after lumbar disc herniation surgery. RJMS 2011; 18 (90) :7-16
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1963-en.html
Abstract:   (7929 Views)


to work absenteeism. This disability which is usually due to spinal disc herniation prevents an

employee from doing his/her daily job, thus creating numerous destructive socioeconomic

consequences for him/her as well as the society. The goal of this study is to determine the patients

return-to-work rate after undergoing the lumbar disc herniation surgery and to study the related


The disability caused by the lower back pain is one of the leading factors contributing


2005 to 2009 at two TUMS (Tehran University of Medical Sciences) educational hospitals were

included in this study. Required data about the patients were gathered from the hospital documents,

and the return-to-work rate was evaluated by following up on patients via phone calls. Chi-square and

T tests were used for evaluation of quantitative and qualitative variables, respectively.

This study was a cross sectional study. All patients suffered from lumber discetomy from


work. From these 504 cases, 364 patients (72.2%) returned full time, and 140 patients (27.8%)

returned part time. A multivariate regression analysis showed that the return-to-work rate has a strong

correlation with age, sex, educational level, body mass index, positive expectation from the surgery

before doing it, doctor's encouragement, hospitalization time, manual work, and job satisfaction

(p<0.05) however, it had no significant correlation with marriage status, income level, impairment

request, insurance coverage, peer support, and the work category with respect to physical labor

demand (p>0.05).

From 603 final participants, at least 6 month after the surgery, 504 cases (83.6%) returned to


determinants of the return-to-work rate after the lumbar disc surgery. From this study, it is apparent

that appropriate strategies and team work (between the patient, the surgeon, the rehabilitation

specialist, the occupational medicine specialist, and the employer) would elevate the job satisfaction

and positive expectations about the surgery, and therefore, they encourage the patient to return to

work at a suitable time which in turn, may increase the total return-to-work rate.

Our findings show the importance of work related and psychological factors as the
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Sports Medicine

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