Volume 17, Issue 72 (6-2010)                   RJMS 2010, 17(72): 31-41 | Back to browse issues page

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Noori F, Hashemi S, Khosravi A, Akhavan Tabib A, Golshadi I, Dana Siadat Z, et al . The Relationship between Weight and CVD Risk Factors in a Sample Population of Central Part of Iran (Based on IHHP). RJMS 2010; 17 (72) :31-41
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-1465-en.html
Abstract:   (9018 Views)

    Background & Aim: Atherosclerosis is one of the leading causes of mortality all around the world. Obesity is an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases (CVD).  In this respect, we decided to examine the effect of subgroups of weight on cardiovascular risk factors.

Patients and Method: This cross-sectional study was done in 2006 using the data obtained by Iranian Healthy Heart Program (IHHP) and based on classification of obesity by the World Health Organization (WHO). In this study, based on

Framingham risk score, Metabolic Measuring Score (MMS) and  classification of obesity, the samples were tested. Chi-square and  ANOVA were used for statistical analysis.

Results: 12514 persons with a mean age of 38 participated in this study.  6.8% of women and 14% of men had high education (more than diploma). Obesity was seen in women more than men : 56.4 % of women and 40% of men had Body Mass Index (BMI) ³25 Kg/m2. 13% of the subjects had  FBS>110 and 13.9% of them were using hypertensive drugs. In this study, we found out that all risk factors rose in line  with an increase in  weight, except HDL cholesterol in men. This finding is also confirmed by

Framingham flowchart for men and women.

Conclusion: One of every two American persons, in all ages and both sexes, have Body Mass Index (BMI) ³25 Kg/m2. Obesity combines with CVD and also serious diseases. Many studies in different countries have been done to find the relationship between obesity CVD risk factors. For example,  in the U.S.A and Canada they found out that weight parameters increase by age and also systolic and diastolic blood pressure like lipid profile increasing in overweight or obese people (in both sexes). Also, another study done in China, which is a country in Asia like

Iran, shows that BMI has an indirect effect on HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride. This data is the same as our results. In

China they found that this relationship in men is stronger than women, but our study reveals the opposite.


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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Cardio Muscular Disease

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