Volume 11, Issue 44 (3-2005)                   RJMS 2005, 11(44): 925-930 | Back to browse issues page

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Tamizifar M, Sharafi A, Yasrebi B, Salehpour Z. The Effect of Low - Intensity Ultrasound on Bone Growth in the Interior of Titanium Implants. RJMS 2005; 11 (44) :925-930
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-91-en.html
Abstract:   (7461 Views)
The effect of ultrasound waves with low intensity on reducing the time of repair and healing of bone fracture has been known. The present research was undertaken to investigate the effect of ultrasound waves on acceleration of bone growth and, finally, on repair and healing of surgical area using in-vivo animal experiment. In this study, 20 titanium implants with proper dimensions were designed and implanted in the femur bone of 20 female rabbits. They were then divided into two groups: control group(4 groups each with 2 rabbits) and experimental group(4 groups each with 3 rabbits). In the experimental group, each rabbit, after surgery and receiving implant, was irradiated for twenty minutes per day with ultrasound waves(1 MHz, 0.1 mw/cm2). The results obtained in this research, after statistical analysis, are suggestive of the fact that ultrasound waves have influences on acceleration of bone growth towards interior of titanium implants with the most rate of influence at the end of the second week of therapy. During this time, calcium distribution rate percentage was found 66.4±1.9 in experimental group, and 52.1±4.2 in control group. Phosphorus distribution percentage was measured 32.1±1.1 and 23.2±4.6 in experimental and control group respectively (P<0.05).
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Biophysics

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