Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Azarmajd S, Dini S, Afradi A, Salehi A, Kalantari S, Jaafari S. Effectiveness of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) on Quality of Life and Cognitive Performance of Couples Affected by Infidelity in Tehran. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-11
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8949-en.html
M.A, Department of Psychology, Khalkhal Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khalkhal, Iran. , alirezasalehi8897@gmail.com
Abstract:   (271 Views)

Background & Aims: The history of the origin of the concept of quality of life goes back to the era of Aristotle in 385 BC. In that era, Aristotle considered a good life to be doing things well as being happy, but at the same time, he discussed the difference in the concept of happiness for different people The name mentioned that health brings happiness to a sick person or wealthy that makes a poor person happy is not the same and he specifically stated that maybe this has different meanings not only for different people but also for a person in Different conditions will not have the same meaning. The term quality of life in the 20th century was not used. Over time, they realized that quality of life can be one of the most important consequences of health assessment, as defined by the World Health Organization. The World Health Organization 1993 defines the quality of life as a person's perceptions of his life situation or attention to the cultural content and value of the system in which he lives to the goals, standards, and priorities and their concerns Quality of life is an important part of the feeling of general health that includes It is physical, psychological and social aspects of life and has different interpretations of philosophical, political and health aspects. The next variable discussed is cognitive function, which refers to mental abilities that include memory, attention, problem-solving, language, and information processing. This function is the most basic human tool to adapt to the environment, solve problems, and perform daily activities. Several factors including brain structures, genetic factors, and environment influence cognitive performance. Studies have shown that damage to certain areas of the brain, such as the frontal lobe, can cause defects in cognitive abilities such as planning, decision-making, and emotion control. In addition, physical health and lifestyle play an important role in maintaining and strengthening cognitive function. Regular physical activities, proper diet, and enough sleep are among the factors that can facilitate the improvement of cognitive function. One of the effective methods of counseling and psychotherapy for women affected by marital infidelity is emotion-oriented therapy. Due to its emphasis on empathy and deep understanding of emotions, this type of treatment is considered one of the appropriate approaches to reduce the psychological damage caused by the experience of betrayal. In this treatment, the main focus is on the person's feelings and emotions; because emotions are a valuable source of information about motives and how to act in interpersonal relationships. An emotion-oriented therapeutic approach, emphasizing the complex relationship between cognition and emotion, can help people accept and adapt to the suffering caused by betrayal. Using techniques such as identifying and reconstructing emotions, this method allows clients to process and manage their suppressed emotions and unresolved experiences. This approach, which is a combination of systemic, attachment-oriented, and experimental approaches, instead of focusing only on external factors, focuses on internal factors and conflict processes in the individual. Therefore, it can play an effective role in improving marital communication, increasing resilience, and improving the mental health of women affected by marital infidelity. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of emotion-oriented therapy on the quality of life and cognitive performance of cheated couples in Tehran in 2024.Marital infidelity is a distressing issue for couples and families and a common challenge for counselors and therapists. Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) can play an effective role in improving couples' relationships. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of EFT on quality of life and cognitive performance.
Methods: This semi-experimental study utilized a pre-test, post-test, and two-month follow-up design with a control group. The target population included all couples experiencing infidelity who visited psychology clinics in Tehran in 2024. The sample size was determined using Cohen's table, based on a 95% confidence level, an effect size of 0.30, and a statistical power of 0.83, resulting in 12 participants per group. To account for possible sample attrition and enhance generalizability, the sample size was increased to 15 participants per group. Initially, 30 individuals were selected through convenience sampling, and then randomly assigned to experimental (15 participants) and control groups (15 participants) via a simple randomization method (lottery).
Results: Marital infidelity can have destructive effects on cognitive function. Stress and mental pressure caused by betrayal affect the cognitive system of a person and lead to a decrease in abilities such as memory, concentration, problem-solving, and decision-making. Also, the quality of a person's life is greatly reduced due to a decrease in trust, an increase in the feeling of insecurity, and a disruption in interpersonal relationships. Research results have shown that marital infidelity can cause lasting negative emotions that directly affect a person's quality of life and cognitive performance. Emotion-focused therapy is an empirical and evidence-based approach that focuses on identifying, processing, and reconstructing maladaptive emotions. This approach, instead of suppressing or avoiding emotions, tries to make people accept their emotions and use them to rebuild relationships and improve mental health. In this method, emotions are considered important sources of information about people's motivations and performance. The current research has also shown that emotion-oriented therapy has a significant effect on improving the cognitive function and quality of life of unfaithful couples. Cognitive function includes abilities such as memory, attention, planning, and decision-making that are directly affected by emotions and stress. Marital infidelity can disrupt these functions by causing severe and continuous stress. Emotion-oriented therapy significantly improves cognitive performance by providing a safe environment for processing negative emotions and replacing them with adaptive emotions. The findings indicated that the EFT method significantly impacted dimensions of quality of life and cognitive performance (P < 0.001).
Conclusion: Based on the results, professionals working in adolescent and family therapy can consider incorporating EFT alongside other therapeutic approaches for these individuals.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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