Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.265
Clinical trials code: 01

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Hasankhani Kouhestani F, Vahedi H, Hosseini S H. Providing a Qualitative Model of Consumer Behavior of Health and Medical Products in Therapeutic Environments. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-10
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8877-en.html
Assistant Professor of Management Department, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran , h.vahedi1960@gmail.com
Abstract:   (212 Views)

Background & Aims: Medical centers as the main centers for providing medical and care services have a special importance in the marketing of medical products. These environments are places of direct interaction between medical equipment and their main users, including doctors, nurses, and patients. Medical products used in medical centers must be evaluated very carefully in terms of quality, efficiency, and safety because they directly affect patients' health and treatment results. Therefore, medical centers play a key role in the introduction and acceptance of medical products and can be used as a platform for practical evaluation of these products and demonstration of their capabilities. In addition, the recommendation of doctors and the positive experiences of the treatment staff in using this equipment can act as an indirect advertising tool and affect the expansion of the market for these products. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on the needs and expectations of hospitals in formulating marketing strategies for medical products. Consumer behavior of health-oriented products plays a very important role in the use of medical equipment in medical centers. In medical environments where medical and care services are directly related to the health of patients, choosing the right medical equipment is very important. These equipment must not only have high quality and efficiency but must also be well understood and accepted by the medical community and patients. Appropriate consumer behavior can be influential in their decisions to buy and choose products. One of the basic challenges in this field is the difference in the different approaches of consumer behavior of health-oriented products. In this regard, it should be said that many people applying for health-oriented products, in addition to attractive advertising features, consider sufficient scientific and practical information to win their trust. In this regard, the use of digital marketing methods, medical exhibitions, presenting scientific reports, and holding educational workshops can be effective on consumer behavior and increase the individual's purchase demand. However, consumer behavior in the hospital environment faces limitations such as different preferences of the audience. This issue makes the design and implementation of advertising campaigns in this environment require more precision and planning to influence consumer behavior. Also, understanding the needs of hospitals, doctors and patients by companies that produce and distribute medical equipment is an important factor in the success of marketing these products, provided that they also pay attention to consumer behavior. Therefore, investigating the effect of consumer behavior on medical equipment in hospital environments and identifying effective strategies to increase this variable can lead to improving the performance of companies that produce and supply this equipment and improve the quality of healthcare services. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a qualitative model of consumer behavior of health-oriented and medical products in medical environments.
Methods: The research method in terms of strategy, qualitative, in terms of the implementation path, descriptive and qualitative, that is, the foundational data theorizing method, semi-structured interviews (theoretical saturation), and in terms of the goal, according to the capacity of building models, tools and Application has three dimensions, practical, fundamental and development (theoretical). The systematic method of Strauss and Corbin was used in this research. The statistical population of this qualitative study included all researchers and university professors specializing in the field of marketing and some activists in the field of marketing in the sale of health and medical equipment. The size of the statistical sample (participants in the research) in the qualitative part was 20 until reaching theoretical saturation through semi-structured Delphi interviews. To analyze the data, open, central, and selective coding was done by selecting the main categories of the research based on the following pattern until reaching theoretical saturation.
Results: The results showed that the categories were identified in the form of 26 category codes and 95 items, and the heart of the 6 constructs of the paradigm model as the central phenomenon (3 categories and 13 concepts), causal conditions (4 categories, 15 items), contextual conditions (7 categories, 25 items), intervening or mediating conditions (5 categories, 15 items), strategies (3 categories, 12 items) and consequences (4 categories, 15 items).
Conclusion: The conclusion of this study shows that in the competitive market of health and medical supplies, designing a qualitative model of consumer behavior that pays attention to various factors such as information transparency, personalization of communication, and social responsibility can help brands succeed in attracting and retaining customers. It helps a lot. Brands that create a personalized experience and clear and authentic communication with a proper understanding of customer needs and preferences can gain customers' trust and loyalty. This model allows brands to communicate with customers effectively and efficiently by using new digital marketing tools, such as influencer marketing, online interactions, and targeted advertising, and by responding to society's expectations, have a positive impact on customers' views and experience. In general, the qualitative model of consumer behavior in medical and health-oriented devices enables brands to respond to the changing needs of the market by identifying and applying key dimensions, strengthening their position, and creating a positive and value-added experience. , improve their market share sustainably.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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