Research code: این مقاله مستخرح از رساین مقاله مستخرح از رساله دکتری م
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SRB.REC.1403.093
Clinical trials code: این مقاله مستخرح از رساین مقاله مستخرح از رساله دکتری م
Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran ,
Abstract: (535 Views)
Nowadays, drug abuse has become one of the most important issues and problems related to mental health (1), drug addiction is a learned habit that includes psychological and physiological factors and leads a person to dependence and continued use (2).
Psychologists have found that stressful life factors can weaken people's mental health and their social functioning and lead to psychological damage in them. Some people go through stressful events without reducing their mental health and suffering from mental illness (6). An important concept that is presented in the direction of substance abuse is the perception of competence; Perception of competence is one of the components and concepts of self-concept, which refers to the process of a person becoming aware of his characteristics, the type of relationships with others, feedback from events, capacities and abilities, and focuses on various cognitive, physical and social fields (7).
The basic principle in therapeutic compassion refers to the issue that external soothing factors and behaviors should be internalized, in this way, as the human mind reacts to external issues, it also finds comfort in front of internal factors (13), to In addition, in this treatment, people learn not to suppress or avoid their painful feelings and experiences, so they can recognize their experience in the first step and feel compassion for it (14).
On the other hand, emotion-oriented therapy, which is a combination of experiential and systemic therapy, is offered; Emotion-oriented therapy is determined by three stages of connection and awareness, recall and discovery and emotional reconstruction in eight steps; These three stages overlap, and throughout the treatment, the client is viewed as an expert on his experience and the therapist as a guide and facilitator for the client's goals (18). In this treatment, it is believed that the way people organize and process their emotional experiences and the interaction patterns they create and strengthen have led to their helplessness (19), in other words, it can be called emotion-oriented therapy. By creating constructive interactions between people and identifying safe attachment patterns, it reduces cognitive distortions in people (20).
According to the presented materials and the negative impact of psychoactive substance poisoning on individual and social life on the one hand, the lack of general consensus regarding the choice of the best type of intervention to reduce the negative effects of these substances, the importance of the perception of competence in life, and since by reviewing the research Conducted inside and outside the country, no research was found in the field of the subject, so the researchers are trying to answer the question, is the therapy based on compassion and emotion therapy based on the perception of competence effective in people dependent on psychoactive substances?
To carry out the present research, the present experiment was carried out with the pre-test-post-test-follow-up group with the control group among the people addicted to psychoactive substances who visited outpatient addiction treatment centers in Ahvaz and were admitted to these centers. 45 people were purposefully and randomly divided into experiment 1 (compassion-based therapy), experiment 2 (emotion-oriented therapy) and control groups. All the subjects completed the Parandin Social Competence Perception Questionnaire. The first group underwent 8 sessions of 60 minutes once a week under compassion-based therapy based on Gilbert's compassion-focused therapy protocol, and the second group underwent 12 60-minute sessions of emotion-oriented therapy based on Greenberg and Watson's emotion-oriented therapy protocol. The control group did not receive any intervention. Finally, to analyze the data from descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics including mixed variance analysis with repeated measurement, Benferroni post hoc test using SPSS computer software version 27 was used at a significant level, 05/0 a=0 was used.
As seen in Table 2; In the stages of pre-test, post-test and follow-up, the value of F is significant at the level of P=0.001. These findings show that there is a significant difference in the dependent variables in the pre-test, post-test and follow-up stages. Also; In the interaction between the group * measurement steps for the perception of competence, the value of F is significant at the level of P=0.001. These findings also show that in dependent variables, the interaction of group * measurement steps is significant. Also; In the groups of compassion-based therapy and emotion-oriented therapy, the F value is significant at the level of P=0.001 for the perception of competence. These findings show that there is a significant difference in the dependent variables between the groups of compassion-based therapy and emotion-oriented therapy.
As can be seen in Table 3, in the variable of competence perception, the treatment groups based on compassion and emotion-oriented treatment, in the post-test and follow-up phases, compared to the pre-test, is significant at the level of p>0.05. While in the control group, these differences are not significant (p<0.05). Also, in all three groups of compassion-based treatment, emotion-based treatment and the control group, there are no significant differences in the variable of competence perception in the follow-up stage compared to the post-test (p<0.05).
As seen in Table 4, in each variable of competence perception; In the pre-test stage, there is no significant difference between the groups of compassion-based therapy and emotion-based therapy compared to the control group (p<0.05). However, in the post-test and follow-up phases, the comparison between the emotion-oriented treatment group compared to the compassion-based and evidence-based treatment groups is significant at the p<0.05 level. Also, in the post-test and follow-up stages, the comparison of the two groups of compassion-based therapy and emotion-oriented therapy is not significant at the p<0.05 level.
Considering the confirmation of the effectiveness of emotion-oriented therapy on improving the perception of competence, in explaining this finding, it can be argued that one of the goals of emotion-oriented therapy is to establish effective cognitive regulation skills. Emotion regulation is a pattern of organizing emotions in response to environmental conditions and is a basic principle in initiating, evaluating and organizing adaptive behavior as well as preventing negative emotions and maladaptive behaviors, and is considered one of the most important elements in the development of social-emotional skills and maintaining a relationship with It is the people around you. This treatment not only suppresses unwanted emotions, but also causes the person to always express his emotions in a calm situation. Social-emotional learning helps people feel more competent and efficient in daily responsibilities and life challenges (8).
Regarding the confirmation of the effectiveness of compassion-based therapy on improving the perception of competence in explaining this research finding, it can be said that compassion-based therapy works like physical therapy of the mind, which neutralizes the threat system and activates the relief system; As a result of the transformation of this system, the perception of competence increases. People with self-compassion are better able to deal with distressing events; because they have a higher acceptance ability than other people; Therefore, the emotional turmoil in these people decreases and the tolerance of the turmoil increases, which finally realizes the ability to relieve and control oneself. This treatment with its techniques increases the self-esteem of a person, which improves their perception of competence (10).
Type of Study:
Research |
Clinical Psychiatry