Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-12 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.275
Clinical trials code: 01

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Qashqaei Far F, Hijazi S N, Chitsaz M A. Investigating Various Social Parameters Caused by the Changes Resulting from the Corona Crisis in Iran. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-12
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8780-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Dehagan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehagan, Iran , hejazinaser@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (456 Views)
Background & Aims: COVID-19, which is considered a new type of coronavirus, has appeared in the world since the end of 2019. The lack of accurate knowledge of this virus and its consequences in the human world has led to an ambiguous situation in the face of it, and its continuation has probably given humanity an idea of ​​a vague future. The speed of the epidemic and the surprise of that virus were so great that the social, economic, educational, and political institutions could not face this new phenomenon properly. These conditions have led to a situation that has caused a deep shock to all dimensions and infrastructures of social life and has placed a serious rethinking of various dimensions of life on the agenda of numerous institutions and organizations. This global pandemic has changed not only the smallest and most everyday patterns of human action, simple relationships, and communications between people but also complex organizational and service relationships; Rather, the macro levels of the world system, economy, politics, education, culture and its values ​​have undergone inflammation and serious crises. The coronavirus crisis has created a dangerous and unstable situation for society and governments and has caused a situation that requires basic measures to deal with it. This research was conducted to investigate various social parameters caused by the changes resulting from the Corona crisis in Iran.
Methods: The research method was qualitative studies and the Delphi method. In this research, 20 experts in the fields related to the coronavirus phenomenon and social distancing were identified through the snowball method, they were interviewed and expressed their experiences, the influential components of the social distancing phenomenon and its impact in different aspects and changes in the social structure was determined. The method of conducting the research is that first a questionnaire is prepared to measure all the variables based on the base and researcher-made articles. After this stage, this questionnaire is given to the group of experts so that they can add their own amendments or suggested items to the variables. After finalizing the questionnaire and taking into account the additional items and points of the experts, the questionnaire is sent to the statistical sample to receive their answers. The Delphi panel consists of people who have sufficient knowledge and expertise in the research topic. Selecting people who have the necessary qualifications is one of the most important steps in the Delphi method. Because the validity and results of the work depend on the competence and knowledge of these people. The first step in forming a Delphi panel is selecting its members, which is done through non-probability sampling. In this sampling, the panel members are selected not probabilistically, but non-probably and according to the application of their knowledge in a specific problem and based on criteria that originate from the nature of the subject and research problem. The tool of this research was a questionnaire that was conducted through the Delphi technique in four stages, SPSS software was used to classify statistical cases and general consensus and reliability.
Results: After analyzing the qualitative data, five main themes were presented, which are: general culture, social life, new communication media, family structure, and social classes. Each of these themes had several sub-categories, including the explosion of information and knowledge, increased digitalization, increasing social demand in economic and political structures, rethinking the cultural system that governs society, and the role of trust and social capital. The government and the nation pointed out.
Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that the social distancing caused by the coronavirus, despite the many material and spiritual costs it imposed on society, is a good opportunity to review and rethink the social, political, economic, and cultural structures. The effects of which will remain in the years to come and in the post-Corona era. The spread of the coronavirus has had a wide impact on the structure and dynamics of families. With the closure of schools and kindergartens, many parents had to take on the educational and care duties of their children. This led to a change in family roles and responsibilities, and parents, especially mothers, took on more work and family burdens. In some families, these changes led to redefining roles and redistributing responsibilities. Quarantine and social restrictions made family members spend more time with each other. This forced closeness in some cases helped strengthen family ties, as family members were forced to interact more. But in some cases, this proximity increased family tensions and problems, especially in families that already had communication problems. Working from home and online education also changed the atmosphere of family life. The boundaries between work, education, and personal life became less and less, and the home became a working, educational, and living environment at the same time. This situation sometimes led to increased stress and mental strain, as people had to perform multiple tasks in a limited space. As social communication became limited and face-to-face contact with extended family and friends decreased, social and emotional support also decreased. These conditions made families become more dependent on each other and play a more supportive role. However, some families faced more isolation and emotional problems. Sudden and long-term changes in the structure and functioning of families led to an increase in psychological problems such as anxiety, depression and job burnout. Trying to find a balance between work, children's education, and family life was one of the biggest challenges of the Corona era. In general, these changes had profound effects on family life and in some cases strengthened relationships and in other cases led to increased problems. The long-term effects of these changes may lead to lasting changes in the structure and dynamics of families.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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