Volume 29, Issue 2 (4-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(2): 166-174 | Back to browse issues page

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jamarani M, Zahiri H, Sharifi M. Explaining the Effect of the Role of the Family Institution on Citizenship Ethics. RJMS 2022; 29 (2) :166-174
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8746-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran , Hoshzahiri@gmail.com
Abstract:   (333 Views)
Background & Aims: Humans lived much more freely in relatively distant times when cities were not yet formed as they are today and did not consider any limits for themselves. People should be considerate of their neighbors and respect their rights even inside their own homes. This respect for mutual rights was formed when the urban population increased and the cities expanded with each passing day. By nature, the social relations between people also became more complicated than before; so, social life needed rules and structures that were in harmony with the behaviors of city dwellers. The main purpose of the current research was to explain the role of family institutions, education, and municipality as a social institution in citizenship ethics.
Methods: This research was methodical, survey, descriptive in nature, and practical in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the research was all people over 18 years old to 65 years old living in Tehran. The sampling method was a two-stage cluster in such a way that we first divide Tehran into three areas, north, south, and center, and then select two areas from each area. Based on Cochran's formula, 400 people from each region, which includes 200 people in each region, were selected as samples. Therefore, the total number of samples in this study for 3 areas of Tehran was 1200 people. The sampling method for selecting the statistical sample was a probability of the available type, in which the citizens who were available when filling out the questionnaire were randomly selected. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to calculate the reliability and the reliability of the questionnaire was evaluated as very good. In the present research, the family institution was measured with 9 research questions and it included these questions: Our family members are committed to each other under the influence of the father in the family, the commitment in the family is influenced by the mother of the family and promotes kindness and love. The commitment of family members due to reading the book leads to more trust in each other. Through school education, we learned to cooperate with each other in solving family problems, influenced by media education such as division of labor. In our house, it is based on consultation, by learning from school education, family members cooperate with each other in family events, with family education in the media, we help each other in the family, by learning education Learned from school, family members talk honestly with each other and with television training, family members trust each other in any situation. In the current research, citizenship ethics is measured with 8 components and has a total of 24 researcher-made questions. These components include; Patriotism, respect for the laws and rights of others, responsibility, social participation, peaceful living, tolerance of different views, attention to public welfare, and altruism. Data analysis was done using a multivariate regression test and Spss.26 software.
Results: The research showed that the significant level of relationship between the family institution and citizenship ethics is favorable (P<0.05); Therefore, there is a significant relationship between the family institution and citizenship ethics. Also, the correlation coefficient between family institutions and citizenship ethics is positive (r=0.728), so there is a positive relationship between family institutions and citizenship ethics. The value of the coefficient of determination (r2=0.530) is also shown, which shows that 53% of the changes in citizenship ethics are explained by the family institution. The results of Table 2 from the analysis of variance test also showed that the F value in the relationship between the family institution and citizenship ethics is significant at the error level of 0.05, which shows that the independent variable has high explanatory power and is able to well change the dependent variable.
Conclusion: The results showed that as the family size increases, the development of citizenship ethics also increases. As a small society, families are a good place to practice respecting the rights of others. In fact, in the environment of Tehran, families play an important role in the education of people, but the economic issues and problems of many families have caused them to basically not be able to respect the rights of others in many cases in their daily life. It seems that one of the effective methods in implementing this goal is to facilitate the environment and provide conditions for the active participation of all classes at all ages, especially in pre-primary school children. During this critical period of growth, you can teach them the ethics of citizenship and witness its brilliant results in the next stages of life. A child before primary school and the issue of raising him at home in today's world has a special complexity and this complexity is increasing every day. In order for the complexity and transformation not to prevail over man, he is forced to pay more attention to his educational methods and choose a suitable model among them. Citizenship ethics is: a set of principles and standards, dos and don'ts, and norms that govern the behavior, actions, relationships, and social relations of citizens, and in terms of importance, it is considered one of the important issues in the lives of citizens, which with the passage of time and As a result of the progress of new sciences and technologies and the promotion of different cultures, as well as the growth of urbanization and the revelation of new material and spiritual needs of man, its necessity is felt more. It seems that families who struggle with socio-economic issues and problems every day in the city of Tehran will not be very successful in teaching the principles of citizenship ethics. Accordingly, in a city like Tehran, we need institutions such as a municipality with citizenship education so that we can institutionalize these principles. From Parsons' point of view, modernity is the transfer of society from a status based on dignity (base) to a society based on contract. Therefore, the family has lost its role in modernity.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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