Volume 29, Issue 3 (5-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(3): 165-172 | Back to browse issues page

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Roknianzadeh A, Ghasemian A, Pourmirza Leilakohi Z. The Effectiveness of Therapeutic Schemas in Improving Social Interactions and Empathy in Educational Environments. RJMS 2022; 29 (3) :165-172
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8727-en.html
MA, Department of Psychology, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , Roknyanzadegali66@gmail.com
Abstract:   (548 Views)
Background & Aims: Schema therapy is a comprehensive therapeutic approach developed by Jeffrey Young for the treatment of personality disorders and long-term psychological problems. It is used to change inefficient cognitive and behavioral patterns. In educational environments, especially in schools and universities, improving social interactions and empathy among students is very important, because these skills play an important role in their mental and social health. Social interactions and empathy are key skills for success in educational settings and life in general. These skills help students connect with others, build healthy relationships, and navigate social and emotional challenges. However, many students struggle in these areas, which can lead to isolation, anxiety, and academic difficulties. Research has shown that schema therapy can be effective in improving social interactions and empathy in educational environments. By identifying and changing unhealthy schemas, students can improve their communication and relationship skills and develop healthier and more meaningful relationships with their peers and teachers. Positive social interactions and empathy in educational environments are known as key factors in improving the learning atmosphere and reducing negative behaviors such as bullying and social isolation. However, many students face various social and emotional challenges that can be caused by dysfunctional schemas in childhood and adolescence. These schemas, which include deep beliefs and behavioral patterns, can affect a person's social interactions and prevent empathic behaviors from occurring. Research has shown that schema therapy can be effective in changing these dysfunctional patterns and improving social skills. For example, one study found that schema therapy interventions can significantly improve social interactions among individuals with personality disorders. Also, other studies have shown that using this approach in educational environments can help improve empathy and reduce negative behaviors. A more detailed and extensive investigation of this issue can help to identify practical and practical solutions to improve the psychological and social atmosphere in schools and universities. Despite growing evidence supporting the effectiveness of schema therapy in improving social interactions and empathy in educational settings, this therapeutic approach is still not widely implemented in schools. This is due to several factors, including a lack of awareness of schema therapy among educators and educational professionals, a lack of adequate training to implement this approach, and barriers related to cost and resources. In this research, we will examine the effectiveness of schema therapy in improving social interactions and empathy in educational environments. We also discuss the obstacles to implementing this therapeutic approach in schools and strategies to overcome these obstacles. This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of therapeutic schemas in improving social interactions and empathy in educational environments.
Methods: Considering the importance of social skills and empathy in academic success and personal growth, the present research investigates the effect of a new treatment method in this field. 120 students were randomly selected as a sample. In this research, standard questionnaires of social interactions (Social Interaction Scale), empathy scale (Empathy Scale) and early incompatible schemas (Young Schema Questionnaire) were used. In order to evaluate the changes, 12 therapy sessions were held. The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test design with a control group. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine significant differences between groups.
Results: The results showed that the participants in the experimental group showed a significant improvement in social interactions and empathy after completing the treatment sessions. Analysis of variance indicated the presence of significant differences between the experimental and control groups in the investigated variables. Specifically, compared to the control group, the experimental group showed a significant improvement in the scales of social interactions and empathy.
Conclusion: This research has investigated the effectiveness of schema therapy in improving social interactions and empathy in educational environments. The results of the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that there is a significant difference between the average scores of the three groups (control, pre-test, and post-intervention test). The F value was equal to 54.33 and the p-value was less than 0.001, which indicates the significance of the differences and the positive effectiveness of schema therapy. These findings are consistent with the results of previous research. Yang et al showed in a comprehensive study that schema therapy can reduce anxiety and depression symptoms. These psychological improvements can directly and indirectly affect social interactions and empathy positively. Reducing anxiety and depression helps students interact with others more confidently and thus show more empathy. Gilbert's studies have also confirmed that schema therapy can lead to increasing empathy and reducing aggressive behaviors. In his research, Gilbert concluded that people who have used schema therapy have a better understanding of other people's feelings and experiences and are less inclined to aggressive behavior. These positive changes can help improve the quality of social interactions in educational environments. In addition, Bernstein et al. (2007) showed in a study that schema therapy can significantly improve self-awareness and emotional regulation. Self-awareness and emotional regulation are key factors in successful social interactions. Students with more self-awareness are better able to understand their own and others' emotions and react appropriately. This can lead to increasing empathy and improving the quality of social relations. Also, recent research has pointed to the positive effect of schema therapy on various dimensions of social behavior. For example, the research conducted by Smith et al. (2019) shows that the use of schema therapy in educational settings can bring significant improvements in group interactions and reduce interpersonal tensions. This study confirms that schema therapy can be used as an effective tool to create more supportive and empathic learning environments. These findings show that therapeutic schemas can be used as an effective method to improve social skills and increase empathy in educational settings. Emphasizing the important role of therapeutic schemas, the current research suggests that this therapeutic approach can be effectively integrated into educational programs to facilitate the improvement of social interactions and empathy in students.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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