Volume 29, Issue 5 (8-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(5): 144-151 | Back to browse issues page

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Shamsi R. Investigating the Effectiveness of Reality Therapy on Recidivism in the Post-Imprisonment Period. RJMS 2022; 29 (5) :144-151
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8704-en.html
PhD Student of Criminal Law and Criminology, Department of Law, Khomein Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomein, Iran , phd.shamsy@gmail.com
Abstract:   (408 Views)
Background & Aims: Criminal policy is not based on the teachings of criminology, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, ethics, anthropology, and especially religion, and judges and enforcers of criminal sentences have not received proper training, etc. So that the recidivism rate in society increases and the security, comfort, and peace factor of the society decreases and the public interests are jeopardized and a large number of the prison population is made up of repeat offenders and many cases are opened about them in the judicial authorities. These factors increase the cost of the government in terms of prison construction, hiring prison staff, various prison costs, hiring judges and judicial staff and bailiffs, etc. It is obvious that the increase in expenses in the above cases will definitely result in the reduction of the budget in the fields of education, health, services public welfare, etc. Due to the importance of recidivism and a way to reduce it among criminals, many methods are used to treat and control it from a psychological point of view, which can be referred to as the reality therapy approach. Reality therapy is a strategic approach to behavior change; therefore, to explain it, we must first describe the selection theory. In psychology, different approaches such as behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, psychoanalysis, etc. are active in the field of behavior change. Behavioral therapy changes behavior through the principles of learning, and cognitive therapy changes individual behavior and improves mental health from negative to positive using principles derived from science and cognitive theory. Reality therapy, like other psychological approaches, is an approach to change the behavior of people in the first place, and then, in the process of self-development, to help change the behavior of clients. Therapeutic reality is a collection of techniques, methods, and tools to help people, in order to move from ineffective behaviors to effective behaviors, from destructive choices to constructive ones, and most importantly from an unhappy lifestyle to a happy lifestyle; also, other psychological approaches use their own special methods to change the behavior of clients. Recidivism is one of the important categories in the spread of crime in society, and the use of psychotherapy approaches in this case is important, one of the important psychotherapy approaches is the reality therapy approach. For this reason, the aim of this study was the effectiveness of the reality therapy approach on committing crimes in the post-imprisonment period.
Methods: The study method was a semi-experimental pre-test-post-test with a control group. The statistical population included people with a history of repeat crimes who were released from prison during the period of 1400-1401 from Khomein County Prison. The sample of the present study consisted of 30 people (15 people for each group; that is, 15 people in the experimental group and 15 people in the control group), and an available sampling method was used. The questionnaire on environmental factors affecting the commission of crime and reality therapy sessions in 8 sessions of 60 minutes and one session per week for two months was used to collect data.
Results: The results showed that reality therapy approach training significantly affects recidivism in the post-imprisonment period at the error level of 0.05. Also, the effect size for the crime variable is equal to 0.205.
Conclusion: In general, it can be acknowledged that by using the method of reality therapy, it is possible to influence the repetition of crime in the post-imprisonment period and prevent criminals from returning to crime. All human beings are created with a pure nature and are pure and innocent after birth in the early stages of life, and this is until they are infected with sin by the special conditions of the family, social, and upbringing environment because the way people behave and their personality is more dependent on how they behave. It depends on their social, economic, and educational environment, so it seems necessary to pay attention to the fact that crime or in other words, social diseases are contagious like physical diseases, and before creating the motivation to commit a crime, thinking about reforming and Eliminating the causes of committing crimes may spread to others as well, which has heavy and irreparable consequences, in such a way that: due to the increase in crime and crime, the power of control in the society is weaker every day, and of course, the number of criminals increases. In all ages, human civilization has been faced with pains and injuries caused by deviations, crimes, and crimes, which have taken a special form in each era and the way of dealing with them has been different. In our era, due to the spread of poverty and deprivation, war, lack of attention to the spiritual aspect of man, sati, and wavering of moral foundations, the fall of the family, the evolution of mechanism, the spread of materialistic and atheistic schools. Absurdism and hedonism and finally the inability to control the rulers have developed more. From the point of view of many sociologists, the future perspective is very dark, and in their opinion, there is no hope for improving the situation unless there is a transformation caused by enlightening and constructive guidance in society. He urged them to discover the roots and motivations of such pains in the shadow of scientific investigations and provide prevention and treatment methods. Reality therapy helps clients take responsibility for their choices and control them. Realism expands this platform so people can live with hope and happiness and strive for a better future for themselves and those around them. Choosing the type of lifestyle is the basic foundation in life, and this choice as one of the behavioral and individual yeasts should be institutionalized in society from a young age so that human capital and material and human resources can be preserved and maintained. Neglecting to choose a healthy lifestyle directly exposes the productive forces of society to the risk of death and disability. As a result, it brings high medical costs and a decrease in the quality of life. Criminals only think about their desires and sometimes they don't fulfill these desires and as a result, they lead a different lifestyle. Meanwhile, if people undergo reality therapy, they are always optimistic about their present and future lives. For example, criminal people believe that life is over and they have reached the end of the road and instead of trying to maintain their health and take care of themselves, they are waiting for death if these people are in realistic conditions and treatment measures are done, in any situation, the hope of returning to the normal and natural life process is strengthened in them, and as a result, they do not give up any effort to take care of themselves. Therefore, reality therapy is expected to be effective in creating appropriate behaviors that allow people to look at life with a clear and hopeful view and look at life with a clear and hopeful view.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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