Volume 28, Issue 6 (9-2021)                   RJMS 2021, 28(6): 152-159 | Back to browse issues page

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Ansari J, Ebrahimi M. Investigating and Influencing the Necessary Infrastructure to Increase the Mental Health of the Community. RJMS 2021; 28 (6) :152-159
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8660-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Payam Noor University, Isfahan, Iran , mahdebrahimi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (59 Views)
Background & Aims: It is essential to examine and influence the necessary infrastructure to increase society's mental health. There are different infrastructures, each of which plays a significant role in improving society's mental health. The first infrastructure is education and awareness that empowers people to recognize and manage emotions, healthy communication, and interpersonal relationships. Mental health is also very important and providing counseling and psychological treatment services can help to improve and sustain the mental health of society. Creating constructive social and environmental environments, about work-life balance and moral values, also ensures the improvement of people's mental health. Effective policymaking is also one of the key factors that helps to increase the mental health of society by providing public facilities and human rights. With the help of cooperation between the government, local communities, and relevant centers, it is possible to improve and strengthen the necessary infrastructure and, as a result, improve the mental health of the community. These infrastructures, by improving the mental health of the community, also contribute to sustainable economic and social development and growth. People who have mental health have the best performance in the work and education environment and participate actively and effectively in society. In addition, reducing medical and social costs, resulting from increased mental health, is economically important for societies and governments. Therefore, the main goal of the current research was to evaluate and analyze the relationship between the necessary infrastructures to increase the mental health of society.
Methods: The research method of the current research was in the category of applied research in terms of purpose, and in terms of collecting information, it was a mixed method. The statistical population of the qualitative part of this research includes 15 people who refer to Chitband Park. The statistical population in the quantitative part included people who referred to Chitband Park in the period from July to September 2020, and their total number was estimated to be 221. The purposive sampling method was used to determine the samples of this research. In this research, 15 people referred to Chitband Park as a specific sample and participated in the process of implementing the qualitative part of the research. The sample size was calculated using Cochran's formula in the quantitative section. According to the results, the sample size was 143 people. The researcher made a questionnaire to obtain the necessary data.
Results: The results showed that urban infrastructures play an essential role in improving the mental health of society and the various dimensions of these infrastructures, including physical and functional efficiency, accessibility, favorable air, improving physical and mental health, environmental and climatic comfort, and family interactive infrastructures. , have significant effects on people's mental health. The results of the three Delphi stages indicated that in the investigation and impact of the necessary infrastructure to increase the mental health of the society, 8 dimensions and 35 indicators were identified, which include the climate comfort dimension of 6 indicators, physical efficiency of 5 indicators, family interactive urban infrastructure of 4 indicators, functional efficiency Park is 4 indicators, accessibility is 3 indicators, environmental comfort is 5 indicators, favorable air is 2 indicators, improvement of physical and mental health is 6 indicators. Before dealing with the research model, the correlation between the research variables was depicted; Based on the results of Table (1), it was found that there is a significant correlation between the research variables at the level (p<0.01) and the principle of linear relationship is established in such a way that the highest correlation coefficient is related to the relationship between the scientific variables. And it is a structure.
Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that policymakers and urban planners should pay special attention to the development and improvement of urban infrastructure to guarantee the mental health and general well-being of society. By investing in this area and implementing targeted planning, not only the quality of life will improve, but also a more stable and healthy society will be formed. The dimension of physical efficiency was identified as the most effective factor. This dimension includes proper design of urban spaces, creation of attractive green environments, and easy access to these spaces. When urban environments are physically efficient, people feel more comfortable using these spaces, which helps reduce stress and anxiety. Designing a space that can meet the diverse needs of different strata of society is very important in creating a sense of belonging to the environment and mental peace. The functional efficiency of parks was ranked second. This functionality includes various recreational, sports, and cultural facilities that are provided in parks and public spaces. Parks that provide facilities for different ages and social groups create a suitable environment for social interactions and physical activities. These interactions and activities facilitate the improvement of mental health and strengthen the sense of vitality and vitality in people. Accessibility is another important factor that shows the importance of proper distribution of green spaces and urban facilities in different areas. When these spaces are made available to the public in a fair way, it will be possible for all people to benefit from its benefits. This is especially important in societies that face economic and social inequalities and can help reduce social gaps and improve mental health in all strata. Favorable weather was also identified as one of the effective factors.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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