Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.KERMAN.REC.1403.120
Clinical trials code: 01

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Nabavi S, Sabouri H. Comparing the Effectiveness of Treatment Based on Commitment and Acceptance on Disfigurement in Women and Girls Referring to Beauty Centers in Sirjan City. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-10
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8656-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, Sirjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sirjan, Iran , Hallehsaboori_521@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (184 Views)
Bakcground & Aims: Distortion is classified as a physical disorder. Identifying and diagnosing dyslexia is relatively simple if the therapist asks the right questions or uses a structured diagnostic interview. Being beautiful and becoming more attractive in every society has characteristics that depend on the culture, history, and definition of beauty in that society. Man naturally and intrinsically loves beauty and seeks to acquire beauty, which is considered a valuable feature in all societies and people. Cosmetic surgeries, beauty treatments, and many health products have grown significantly in recent years. Psychological components are very effective in beauty care work and cosmetic surgeries. Among these factors, we can mention cognitive distortion. Cognitive distortion can lead to regular follow-up of cosmetic operations and even cosmetic surgeries, even though it is irrational, by reducing the attitude towards the person or the lack of correct understanding of oneself or the deficiencies in the person. Cognitive distortions can, in addition to reducing or removing a positive attitude towards themselves, create a judgmental understanding of their defects in people, which in a reverse cycle causes their symptoms to intensify. Studies show that cognitive distortions are related to the disturbance of bodily symptoms. Cognitive distortions by creating unrealistic expectations in relationships and misperceptions in interpersonal relationships and even with the individual themselves cause a decrease in self-esteem in people. Self-esteem is a kind of attitude that gives a person the opportunity to trust his abilities with a real and positive view and feel in control of his life. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to compare the effectiveness of treatment based on commitment and acceptance of disfigurement in women and girls referring to beauty centers in Sirjan City.
Methods: The current research is semi-experimental. The semi-experimental design used in the research is a two-group design (one experimental group and one control group) with pre-test-post-test. The statistical population of the research included all women and girls referring to the beauty centers of Sirjan city, which was estimated to be 200 people from 5 beauty centers. The sample size in this research was 30 people. To obtain samples, 5 beauty centers in Sirjan city were visited and the centers were asked to introduce the number of female clients to the researcher. The modified Yell-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Questionnaire for Body Dysmorphic Disorder was designed and developed by Phillips et al. (1997) to measure body dysmorphic disorder. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Using descriptive statistics, sample characteristics and variables are examined. The statistical method of analysis of covariance was used to analyze the data and test the research hypotheses.
Results: By controlling the effect of the auxiliary variable (pre-test) on the dependent variable, there is a significant difference between the two groups in terms of misogyny (significant value less than 0.05), or other words, treatment based on acceptance and commitment to improving misogyny of women and girls referring to the beauty centers of Sirjan city have an effect. The treatment based on acceptance and commitment has been able to improve the disfigurement in women and girls referring to the beauty centers of Sirjan city and has caused a significant reduction in the disfigurement of these people in the experimental group. On the other hand, because the eta squared value for the group is equal to 0.74, it can be said that 74% of the total variance and dispersion of the misalignment variable is explained by the group effects. As shown in Table 2, by controlling the effect of the auxiliary variable (pre-test) on the dependent variable, there is a significant difference between the two groups in terms of deviance (significant value less than 0.05), or other words, treatment based on acceptance and The commitment affects improving the disfigurement of women and girls who refer to the beauty centers of Sirjan city. Table 2 shows the mean post-test and pre-test values of misalignment in the control and experimental groups (treatment based on acceptance and commitment). This indicates that the treatment based on acceptance and commitment has been able to improve the disfigurement in women and girls referring to the beauty centers of Sirjan city and has caused a significant reduction in the disfigurement of these people in the experimental group. On the other hand, because the eta squared value for the group is equal to 0.74, it can be said that 74% of the total variance and dispersion of the misalignment variable is explained by the group effects.
Conclusion: The results of the research show that the treatment based on acceptance and commitment has been able to improve the disfigurement in women and girls who refer to the beauty centers of Sirjan city and has caused a significant reduction in the disfigurement of these people in the experimental group. From the point of view of treatment based on acceptance and commitment, human suffering is rooted in psychological inflexibility, which is created by cognitive confusion and experiential avoidance, the tendency to absorb mental experiences or fight with them through avoidance is one of the causes of psychological damage. The basic concept in treatment based on acceptance and commitment is that suffering and psychological reflections are caused by avoidance and cognitive fusion experiences of failure to meet behavioral needs and align with basic values. The therapist's goal is not based on acceptance and commitment to reduce symptoms, but that is what we will achieve as a byproduct of the healing process.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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