Volume 29, Issue 1 (3-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(1): 222-233 | Back to browse issues page

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Saeidi N, Mohajeri S F, Shoorangiz K, Asghari N. Investigating the Relationship between Attachment Styles and Marital Intimacy with the Mediating Role of Phubbing in Tehran University Couples. RJMS 2022; 29 (1) :222-233
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8648-en.html
Master of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , nazaninsaeidi74@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (341 Views)
Background & Aims: Couples need to establish intimate relationships because intimacy is a primary psychological need for marriage stability. Intimacy is a dynamic and interactive integrated process that includes emotional, psychological, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions. A high level of emotional intimacy in couples' relationships is one of the strongest predictors of physical and mental health and mutual satisfaction. Marital intimacy is one of the basic features in couples' relationships. Marital intimacy can be defined as a relationship with real self-disclosure and mutual understanding based on participation, and intimacy is the degree of closeness and support that each couple feels and expresses. A couple that experiences a higher level of intimacy shows a positive relationship and easily communicates their needs to their partner. The closeness of couples, sharing of values and ideas, engaging in joint activities, sexual relations, mutual understanding, and emotional behaviors (e.g. hugging) are characteristics of intimate couples. This model of interactive intimacy focuses on knowing, understanding, accepting, empathizing with the other party's feelings, and appreciating. Couples who have a higher level of intimacy may have a greater ability to deal with problems and changes related to their relationship, and as a result, experience higher marital satisfaction. Lack of marital intimacy leads to unpleasant consequences such as dissatisfaction with the relationship, loss of love, and affection, and poor understanding in the relationship between spouses. Marital intimacy is one of the effective factors in stable marriages, and lack of intimacy in marital relationships leads to divorce. One of the very important and influential variables in marital intimacy is attachment style. These styles are formed in childhood and affect a person's view of himself, others, and the way interpersonal relationships are organized. Currently, the use of mobile phones has a negative effect on the face-to-face communication of couples to the extent that their intimacy is reduced. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and marital intimacy with the mediating role of phabbing in Tehran University couples.
Methods: This research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive research in terms of methodology. The statistical population of this research was all married students of Tehran University, from which 350 people were selected as a sample using a multi-stage cluster method. sample people to Collins and Reed's (1990) attachment style questionnaires; Bagaroozi's marital intimacy (2001); General Fabing Scale Answered by Chotpitayasonvand and Douglas (2018). In order to investigate the dual relationship of the variables, Pearson correlation method was used and in order to investigate the mediation relationship of Fabing, the theoretical framework of Baron and Kenny and the path analysis method in LISREL software were used.
Results: The research results showed that secure attachment style has a direct and positive relationship with marital intimacy (0.24), avoidant and ambivalent attachment style has a direct and negative relationship with marital intimacy (-0.25); Also, phubbing plays a mediating role in the relationship between couples' attachment styles and intimacy.
Conclusion: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of phubbing in the relationship between attachment styles and marital intimacy. The findings showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between secure attachment style and marital intimacy, also the relationship between avoidant attachment style and anxious ambivalent attachment style with marital intimacy is negative and significant. The results showed the direct effect of each attachment style on marital intimacy. which confirmed the significant relationship between two secure and ambivalent anxiety styles with marital intimacy, and the research of Botlani et al., which showed that attachment-oriented couple therapy increases the intimacy of spouses, is consistent and harmonious. Couples with anxious ambivalent attachment style have a high need for intimacy; But in fact, these people have little ability to be intimate for fear of being abandoned by their spouse or other important people in their lives. Couples with avoidant and anxious attachment styles avoid intimate relationships. In explaining this finding, it can be said that couples' attachment styles play an important role in developing and maintaining interpersonal connection and are related to psychological processes related to intimate relationships, as well as the behaviors observed in these relationships and the outputs of intimate relationships, which are both subjective (such as satisfaction) and It is also objective like (separation) and it is predictable. Among the three styles introduced for attachment, people with an anxious-ambivalent attachment style because of their feelings of anxiety and rejection, as well as because of their strong attachment and feeling of constant danger from their spouse's infidelity, cause too much psychological disturbance to their spouse and His constant control deprives the freedom, independence, and autonomy of the other party, and as a result, the level of marital intimacy decreases in this type of attachment. On the other hand, people with high levels of avoidant attachment deny the importance of intimate relationships and the need for closeness. As a result, the attachment system becomes inactive in these people and they do not seek support from their spouse in their relationships; Therefore, a husband or wife who has a higher avoidant attachment style compared to their spouse may reject their spouse's needs or respond to them with anger, and when they feel helpless, they will distance themselves from their spouse and cause a decrease in marital intimacy. Couples with a secure attachment feel more attached to their spouse consider the spouse as the main source of security and comfort and have positive feelings toward each other. The secure attachment style leads to the creation of trust and intimacy, and the quality of interpersonal interactions, and commitment It improves the quality of marital relations. People with a secure attachment style have more trust in family relationships and are stable in romantic relationships; Therefore, it increases marital intimacy. When a secure attachment style is formed, this security is transferred to future interpersonal relationships, especially relationships with spouses. Therefore, it makes the relationship of the spouse full of peace and security, these couples are not afraid to communicate and the established relationships are full of intimacy, love, and expression. It is recommended for family officials to use educational workshops and public information in order to increase the intimacy of couples regarding the correct use of smartphones.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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