Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-9 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.124
Clinical trials code: 01

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Zarei Dangsarki F, Fallah V, Rasouli S E. Identifying the Components of the Integrated STEM Curriculum Model with the Cognitive Approach of Preschool Teachers. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-9
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8587-en.html
Faculty member, Department of Educational Sciences, Philosophy of Education and Curriculum Planning, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran , Vahidfallah20@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (279 Views)

Background & Aims: Most of the current curricula focus more on teaching language and mathematics, and limited mental skills, while less attention is paid to raising children who can solve problems, be creative, and use critical thinking. In today's world, where skills such as leadership, creativity, critical thinking, and cooperation between people play a key role, traditional preschool education is unable to provide the necessary platform to strengthen these skills. This is one of the biggest gaps in the current programs. Despite the efforts made in the curriculum, children still face difficulties in applying what they have learned in real life. This shows the gap between educational content and the practical needs of children in facing everyday problems. Existing curricula are traditionally designed around subject-oriented disciplines, which can leave children without a full understanding of how different subjects are connected. A better understanding of the relationship between the cognitive approach and STEM-integrated methods in the preschool period will lead to the achievement of educational goals, so the purpose of this study was to identify the components of the integrated STEM curriculum model with the cognitive approach of preschool teachers.
Methods: The study method was mixed (qualitative-quantitative) and the statistical population in the qualitative part included university professors and teachers with experience in preschool schools in Mazandaran province in 1401-1402, which was 25 people using a non-random sampling method of a targeted type. were selected In the quantitative part of the study, the statistical population included all the preschool teachers of Mazandaran province in the academic year of 1403-1404, in the number of 1959 people, and using the Karjesi and Morgan table, 320 people were selected as subjects. From the semi-structured interview method, a researcher-made questionnaire was obtained, which has 71 questions and 8 dimensions (identifying needs, determining and adapting topics, designing a program, implementing and promoting, cooperation and communication with home, strengthening social skills, reflection and improvement, and diversity And it was attractive. The following two methods have been used to collect information: Documentary (library) method: In this method, information is collected through reading books, publications, internet sources, and databases and after selecting the sources for preparing, scanning, and translating the desired texts. Action has been taken. This section specifies the primary components and indicators of the integrated STEM curriculum in the preschool period with a cognitive approach based on theoretical and practical foundations. Field method: This part has been done in two ways: First, several university and organizational experts were selected to conduct semi-structured interviews, and after making the necessary arrangements, they were present at their workplaces and interviewed. Then, in order to collect the required data in the quantitative part by making the necessary arrangements, the questionnaires were distributed and collected among the statistical samples and the total data collected was entered into the system and analyzed in two ways. Open coding, axial coding, and selective coding were used in the qualitative part. After this stage, to test the compiled model using quantitative research methods, the researcher tested the data obtained from the qualitative stage and evaluated the validity of the model. Data analysis was done using SPSS-v23, Smart Pls-v3.2 software.
Results: The results of confirmatory factor analysis show that at the 99% confidence level, the t-values for the dimensions of the STEM integrated curriculum model questionnaire with the cognitive approach are outside the range (2.58, -2.58). Therefore, there is a positive and significant relationship between the variable of the integrated STEM curriculum model with the cognitive approach with all its dimensions. The highest standard coefficients (0.705 and 0.703) are respectively related to the dimensions of reflection and improvement and strengthening of social skills, and the lowest value is related to the dimension of cooperation and communication with home with a standard coefficient (0.531). In the qualitative part, first, the key points related to each semi-structured interview were marked by listening to the recorded interviews and reading the written notes during the interview, then the key and essential points from inside each interview were extracted. Next, by using the classification of key points in the form of professional terms, coding, and grouping integrated themes, the necessary labeling was done. Then, the labeled terms of each interviewee were organized in the form of a table and categorized in the form of dimensions based on the relationship and compatibility they had with each other. They were categorized into 8 dimensions with a cognitive approach. With the initial reviews and coding, it was found that at least 4 times and at most 10 times, the items were mentioned and emphasized by the experts. The result of examining the codes assigned to each dimension and the main and secondary themes found in the interviews were expressed. Charts No. 1 and 2, above, show a sample of the opinions of the experts present in the interviews about the themes related to the variable of the integrated STEM curriculum model with the cognitive approach.
Conclusion: In general, the results show that the integrated model of STEM with a cognitive approach can be used as an efficient approach to strengthening different dimensions of learning and cognitive, social, and communication development of children by improving planning and paying attention to cooperation with the home, it can be It also increased its effectiveness. At the same time, the lowest standard coefficient in the dimension of cooperation and communication with home indicates the need to pay more attention to communication and cooperation between home and school in this model.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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