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Ethics code: IR.IAU.SRB.REC.1402.248
Clinical trials code: IR.IAU.SRB.REC.1402.248

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islamic azad university ,
Abstract:   (682 Views)
Background: Perfectionism is the disposition to set high standards and strive for achievement, and the core of its lies highly rigid demands that set the occasion for inflexible rules and beliefs. The main objective of this study was comparing two psychotherapy techniques such as rational-emotive-behavioral therapy and reality therapy on perfectionism.
Materials & Methods: The research method was semi-experimental. On the basis of pretest- posttest with control group design and administrating of the Hill’s Perfectionism Questionnaire data was collected. The each group measured three times. The statistical population included the Iranian MS society members that had diagnosed by physician. The sample of the study was consisted of 60 patients with MS. (experiment 1 group: n=20; experiment 2 group: n=20; control group n=20) which were selected with random sampling and were randomly assigned in experimental and control groups.
Findings: Multivariate covariance analysis showed that the variance of perfectionism is explained by group rational emotional behavior therapy and group reality therapy. In other words, these two methods were able to reduce the signs of perfectionism. Also, further analyzes showed that the average scores of the participants of the 1st and 2nd experimental groups under group rational emotional behavior therapy and reality therapy were different in three measurements of the perfectionism variable. The effect size of the difference according to the value of eta square (experiment 1: 0.586 and experiment 2: 0.761) was high. Comparing the averages of the three stages in the table below indicates that the average of the first evaluation is higher than the average of the second and third evaluation. At the same time, the average of the second evaluation is higher than the average of the third evaluation (p<0.01). Finally, both rational emotional behavioral therapy and reality therapy had a positive effect on perfectionism, but the difference between these two methods was not the same in terms of the index of stable changes and clinical significance.
Conclusion: Based on these findings ,it can be concluded that Rational Emotive Behavior group therapy and Reality group therapycan both be used as an effective treatment to reduce the perfectionism of MS patients .but Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy has been more effective to reduce perfectionism.The clinical trial is believed to lead to a betterunderstanding of how perfectionism can be treated and the specificity of different treatments. 
Keywords:rational-emotive-behavior therapy,reality therapy, perfectionism,MS,multiple sclerosis

Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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