Volume 30, Issue 2 (4-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(2): 288-295 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.KERMAN.REC.1401.016
Clinical trials code: 01

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Emamjomeh A, Manzari Tavakoli A R. Designing a Marital Satisfaction Model Based on Conflict Resolution Styles in Female Diabetic Patients (Referring to Specialized Diabetes Clinics in Tehran). RJMS 2023; 30 (2) :288-295
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8565-en.html
Department of psychology, management kerman ( Haj Ghasem soleimani ), Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran. , a.manzari@iauk.ac.ir
Abstract:   (504 Views)
Background & Aims: : Diabetes is the most common cause of limb amputation, blindness, chronic kidney failure, and one of the risk factors for heart disease, which can cause anxiety and depression, psychological and social problems of these people. Also, suffering from this disease causes tension in people and has an impact on a person's identity, psychosocial dimensions, emotional balance, self-satisfaction, sense of competence and efficiency, social interactions, and interpersonal relationships, which require adaptation. The purpose of this research is to design a marital satisfaction model based on conflict resolution styles in female diabetic patients (referring to specialized diabetes clinics in Tehran in 2011).
Methods: The current research was a type of correlation design based on the structural equation modeling method. The statistical population of all married people with type 2 diabetes (age range 30 to 55 years) refers to specialized diabetes clinics in Tehran in the winter of 2011, which is 2143 people. The sample of the present study includes 412 married female patients who were selected by simple random sampling from the studied population. The research tools are Strauss's (1979) Conflict Resolution Strategies Questionnaire and Nathan H. Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire. Azrin, Barry T. Naster, and Robert Jones (1973). The structural equation method was used to analyze the data using AMOS software.
Results: The results indicate that the investigation of the relationship between conflict resolution styles and marital satisfaction indicates that there is a statistically significant relationship between integration style and reconciliation style and marital satisfaction. Considering the positivity of the path coefficients of the mentioned relationships, it can be said that the relationships are of an incremental (direct) type; The results show that the relationship between avoidant style and dominant style with marital satisfaction is statistically significant and these relationships are decreasing (inverse). There is evidence related to the predictability of marital satisfaction based on conflict resolution styles, but the inefficiency and limitations for reliable identification for prediction and model design have made the research focus on discovering the factors and fitting the research conceptual model, which is an integrated model in the form of At the same time, four research variables should be examined and a step should be taken in the direction of a more efficient explanation and formulation of effective and efficient treatment methods. Considering the increasing prevalence of diabetes and the role of management and adaptation in controlling this disease, the feeling of marital satisfaction and marital conflict resolution strategies and the determination of psychological and social factors related to the disease that are effective in the management of diabetes and its complications will play an important role in the psychological and medical treatment of patients. Therefore, from a theoretical point of view, it is an undeniable necessity to identify and implement relevant variables in the mental and physical health of diabetic patients in our country. Determining the variables that are related to the mental and physical health of diabetics provides the basis for further experimental-interventional research.
Conclusion: According to the mentioned result, it can be said that the use of avoidant and dominant styles in conflict resolution leads to a decrease in marital satisfaction. In spouses who are not intimate in their relationship, they cannot rely on the other to satisfy their needs and do not enjoy their relationship. The need for intimacy and value between husband and wife is not satisfied, and couples do not support each other during their relationship and when problems arise, even though all marriages experience disappointment in some way, many of these marriages continue with low quality. Findings and married life constitute instability that tends to collapse and if divorce is not done, it will be accompanied by many thoughts and ideas about separation. Therefore, conflict resolution styles are very important in the satisfaction of married life or its collapse. Avoidant conflict resolution style can be considered as an attempt to manage and change the stressful problem. Also, the avoidant style is an attempt to reduce psychological and emotional pressure. It includes behaviors such as looking for others and cognitive reactions such as denying the situation. It focuses on controlling pressure symptoms. In this style, emotional responses and management of emotions are used in stressful situations. In this type of confrontation, the person tries to calm himself down and regain his balance. During mental stress, a person experiences negative emotions that are effective on his mental performance, and a person needs to regain his balance by reducing negative emotions and then make a logical decision to solve the problem. The characteristic of the avoidant style is that it does not lead to the removal of mental pressure and it is effective for a short period, but if it continues, it can complicate the effects of mental pressure. They prefer to withdraw from the conflict, being passive, staying away, fearing to face the conflict, downplaying the conflict, and delaying the resolution of the conflict can be seen in these people, and the opposite is the required conflict resolution style. These people have a preoccupation with avoiding confrontation with each other, even if this leads to the loss of their rights. They usually give the rights to others and do not value and respect themselves. Such people are very anxious in front of criticism and usually act against their will. In very natural interactions between husband and wife, there are times when differences arise or needs are not met, as a result, both partners feel angry, frustrated and dissatisfied with each other. Therefore, if a conflict arises, the husband and wife should prepare for it. This preparation should not only be effective in terms of the ability to communicate effectively, but it should be based on the implementation of problem solving strategies in a systematic way that provides structure and order for conflict resolution meetings. Conflict resolution strategies are strategies that husband and wife use during discussions they use and how they react when they discuss.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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