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Department of Chemistry, Darab branch, Islamic Azad University, Darab, Iran; Sadra Additive Manufacturing Laboratory, Chemical, Petroleum & Polymer Engineering Research Center, Shiraz branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran. , esmaielzadehsheida@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (981 Views)
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The difference in the clinical conditions and anatomy of each patient, on the one hand, and the the availability of the medical-digital data, on the other hand, enforce the daily expansion and progressive flourishing of the Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology (3D printing) applications in the medical world. The possibility of manufacturing patient-specific pieces with any geometrical complexities out of different materials )from a wide range of hard and soft materials( with a conventional cost is one of the advantages of this method, which has led various medical specialists to benefit from AM technology at different diagnostic and therapeutic levels. The rapid development of these applications is such that it is not far-fetched to estblish a separate AM unit in collaboration with physications of various specialties in hospitals (and in some medical centers this has already begun). Therefore, due to the significant expansion of the AM field in medicine, in this article, its advantages and disadvantages have been investigated, and the applications and development of AM technology in the customization of medical and rehabilitation equipments, implants and prostheses have been investigated.
Standard search method was used in Persian and English databases, namely Science direct, Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar and ISC.The evaluation and selection criterion was the articles that were placed in the field of biomedical application with additive manufacturing technology between 2015 and 2023, and finally 40 articles were studied and reviewed.
The results of the conducted studies showed that AM technology is used in the manufacturing of all kinds of advanced implants such as knee joint, lumbar vertebrae welder, sternum, spine, hip joint, knee joint bracket, as well as the production of prostheses such as ears, nose, teeth, hand and foot bones, which have favorable mechanical and physical properties and are fully compatible with the patient's body. Furthermore, 3D printing technology is used in  manufacturing rehabilitation equipments and various orthosis. The prominent role of this technology in medical education and orientation of the patients and their families should not be forgotten.
AM technology can provide the production of complex pieces with a variety of structures simpler and faster at a lower expenses compared to traditional methods. The use of this miraculous technology in the field of medical training, pharmaceuticals and drug delivery, tissue engineering and organ manufacturing, and the manufacture of medical tools and equipment will bring an excessive revolution in the field of medicine and biomedicine, which can save the lives of many patients. Many medical professionals use 3D printing in their diagnostic and therapeutic work.
Type of Study: review article | Subject: Biotechnology

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