Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-9 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC. 1400.146
Clinical trials code: 01

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Hosseini S Z, Taghvaei Yazdi M, Salehi M. The Effect of Cloud Computing on Mentoring Based on the Psychological Approach in Health-Oriented Universities of Mazandaran Province. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-9
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8549-en.html
Associate professor, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Humanities, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran , M_taghvaeeyazdi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (357 Views)

Background & Aims: In recent years, cloud computing, as one of the important advances in information technology, has provided new opportunities to improve educational and mentoring processes in universities, especially health-oriented universities. Students in this field need constant support and quick access to information at any place and time. As a dynamic and flexible platform, cloud computing allows universities to allow students and faculty members to access diverse resources such as databases, educational software, learning management systems, and simulation tools from anywhere. Health-oriented universities need to use technologies that facilitate the learning and mentoring process due to the need to provide practical and experiential training as well as the need for continuous access to scientific and clinical resources. Cloud computing can play an important role in improving mentoring by creating flexible platforms and easy access to information and resources. As a new technology in the field of information technology, cloud computing provides access to remote computing resources and services without the need for physical equipment or local infrastructure. It is not yet clear exactly how the use of cloud computing in mentoring can be combined with psychological approaches, and its effect on psychological aspects such as teacher-student interactions, internal motivation, and students' self-confidence has not been investigated; Therefore, the study aimed to investigate the effect of cloud computing on mentoring based on the psychological approach in health-oriented universities of Mazandaran province.
Methods: In this mixed study, the statistical population under study consists of two groups, which in the qualitative section included 25 professors of universities in Mazandaran province and in the quantitative section included academic staff members and administrative managers of universities in Mazandaran province. There were 1447 people, 10 people were selected as a statistical sample in the qualitative part using the purposeful sampling method and 306 people were selected as a statistical sample in the quantitative part based on the Cochran formula. To collect data, semi-structured interviews were used in the qualitative part and researcher-made questionnaires were used in the quantitative part.
Results: The results of the path analysis showed that between the exogenous dependent variable (cloud computing) and the endogenous dependent variable (mentoring approach), based on the path coefficients, there is a factor loading of 0.562, also because the value of t- value (12.658) is outside the range (2.58 and -2.58), so the impact of cloud computing on the mentoring approach is significant at the level of 0.99. Table number 1, in order to confirm the output of the qualitative part, which was actually the production of the questionnaire, examines the dimensions and components of the cloud computing questionnaire in a descriptive way. Looking at the dimensions and components of the cloud computing questionnaire on the mentoring approach explained in Table 1, it can be said that this questionnaire has 2 dimensions, 8 components, and 45 items. The results show that the average of none of the final components was less than 3. The highest average is related to question 6 with a value of 4.13 and the lowest average is related to question 41 with a value of 3.34. Among all dimensions and components of this questionnaire, the significance level for all questions was calculated to be less than 0.05 and because the average of all questions was higher than 3, no question was removed from the questionnaire.
Conclusion: In general, cloud computing can be used as a key tool to improve the process of mentoring and psychological support of students in health-oriented universities and lead to training professionals with more self-confidence and stronger professional skills. By creating flexible platforms and easy access to educational and scientific resources, this technology provides conditions for students and mentors to communicate with each other without time and place limitations. This continuous access to educational resources and platforms through cloud computing can help improve teacher-student interactions and provide an opportunity for continuous psychological support. One of the most important advantages of cloud computing in mentoring is that students can easily access educational resources, feedback from mentors, and counseling sessions. This makes students feel that they are not alone in their learning process and that they always have the necessary support. On the other hand, the possibility of easy access to educational resources and sessions reduces the stress caused by time and place restrictions and makes students continue their activities with more motivation. This continuous psychological support helps to strengthen students' self-confidence and self-efficacy and guides them in the path of academic and professional progress. Cloud computing also provides opportunities for interactive and collaborative learning. Virtual platforms and group collaboration tools increase the possibility of active interactions between students and mentors. These interactions can help improve students' social and psychological skills and provide a suitable space for exchanging experiences and professional feedback. In addition, more interactions and continuous feedback can strengthen students' internal motivation and encourage them to learn more actively and participate more. Research self-efficacy is also strengthened by using cloud computing. With access to extensive resources and continuous feedback, students will feel more in control of their learning process, and this will help increase their self-confidence in facing academic and research challenges. Cloud computing also allows mentors to design personalized training and mentoring programs based on the needs of each student.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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