Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-10 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.278
Clinical trials code: 01

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Taavan H, ghasemzade K, Hosseini Doronkalaei S Z. The Effect of a Health-Oriented Lifestyle on Improving the Academic Performance of Babol University Students in Order to Present a Model. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-10
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8545-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran , Koroosh_red_bass@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (345 Views)
Bakcground & Aims: Students, as representatives of the young generation, are future decision-makers in organizations, societies, and countries. University years are when students gain increasing independence regarding their lifestyle and health practices. Students may turn to a risky lifestyle to achieve success in academic goals and freedom from parental restrictions. Although some of these unhealthy behaviors may be transient, some habits can persist and continue into middle age and old age. Therefore, the lifestyle of students and their high-risk behaviors have increased concern. Research has shown that a health-oriented lifestyle improves the quality of life, so the general purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of a health-oriented lifestyle on enhancing the academic performance of Babol City students to present a model.
Methods: In terms of the purpose, this research was fundamental-applied, and in terms of the type of data, it was a combination (qualitative-quantitative) of the exploratory type, which was used in the qualitative part of the grand theory method and the quantitative part, descriptive-survey. In the qualitative part, the statistical population consisted of specialists, experts, and professors of the universities of Babol City, and in the quantitative part, the students of the universities of Babol City were 29,206 people, and in the qualitative part, non-random sampling method of the targeted type And considering the saturation law, the number of 10 people and in the quantitative section based on Cochran's formula, 379 people were selected as a statistical sample using the stratified random sampling method according to the type of university. To collect data, a semi-structured interview was used in the qualitative part, and a health-oriented lifestyle questionnaire with 48 questions and a Pham and Taylor (1999) academic performance questionnaire with 48 questions were used in the quantitative part. Confirmatory factor analysis, exploratory factor analysis, Friedman, and structural equation tests were used to examine the research questions.
Results: The results showed that; The health-oriented lifestyle has 6 dimensions "stress management skills, planning and time management, communication and social skills, physical health, personal empowerment and the development of mental and spiritual skills" which positively affects the academic performance of Babol city university students and It is significant and the presented model has a suitable fit. The final fit indices of the structural model based on the Lisrel output are presented in Table 2. The results of the test in Graphs 1 and 2 and table 3 show that the coefficient of variance is 118.53 the degree of freedom is 43, and the ratio of variance to the degree of freedom is 2.75. Because in this index, a value less than 3 indicates the appropriateness of the model, therefore, the desired model shows a suitable fit. Also, the approximation of the mean square root of the estimation error is 0.068, and in this index, values ​​less than 0.08 indicate the appropriateness of the model. Other indicators of the goodness of the model include: goodness of fit index 0.91, model fit index 0.91, relative fit index 0.93, adjusted goodness of fit index 0.92, incremental fit index 0.93, and relative fit index 95. In all the mentioned indices, the values ​​above 0.9 indicate the proper fit of the model. Therefore, the presented model is suitable and the relationship between the variables is positive and significant.
Conclusion: In general, it can be said that a health-oriented lifestyle has a significant effect on improving the academic performance of students. These components, directly and indirectly, help a person to use his mental and physical capabilities in the best way and perform better in the face of academic challenges and pressures. Communication and social skills mean the ability to communicate effectively with others. These skills play a significant role in personal and academic relationships. Students who can communicate effectively with classmates, professors, and others are usually more successful because they can easily tap into the experiences and resources of others. In addition, social skills strengthen healthy social relationships, increase self-confidence, and reduce feelings of loneliness. In addition, having a healthy body helps prevent diseases and reduce medical expenses, which in turn reduces energy and time resources. Individual empowerment means the growth and development of one's abilities, skills, and potential. People who feel more empowered usually show more self-confidence when facing challenges. Individual empowerment can be achieved through training, learning new skills, facing challenging situations, and self-awareness. People who can manage their lives and make effective decisions are usually more successful in education and other areas of life. Finally, developing mental and spiritual skills means paying attention to the mental and spiritual aspects of a person. These skills include strengthening cognitive abilities such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making. In addition, the spiritual aspect of life, which can include meditation, faith, and the pursuit of higher personal goals, helps a person to remain mentally and psychologically balanced and to feel peace and inner strength in difficult life situations. This development of skills helps a person to deal with the challenges and problems of life in the best way and to progress in line with his academic and personal goals. In total, these components work simultaneously in a health-oriented lifestyle and help a person to perform better in different aspects of his life, including in the field of education. When a person achieves the skills of stress management, time management, effective communication, physical health, personal empowerment, and the development of mental and spiritual skills, he can study with more motivation, focus, and energy and ultimately have a better academic performance.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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