Research code: 1
Ethics code: IR.IAU.TJ.REC.1402.075
Clinical trials code: 1

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Assistant Professor, Phd counseling psychology, department of psychology, Islamic Azad University, Kashmar, Iran ,
Abstract:   (797 Views)
Introduction: Infertility is defined as failure to conceive after one year of trying to conceive. This problem is related to a wide range of psychological damages, including helplessness, distress, anxiety, depression, feelings of inferiority and ineffectiveness, marital incompatibility, and it is one of the most bitter experiences in life, which is associated with death and loss. They have compared relatives who mourn. During treatment, infertile couples face many economic, social and physical problems, which have many negative effects on mental health and lead to marital dissatisfaction. Infertility brings many problems and damages due to the fact that some couples consider it as a crisis in married life and because it is unpredictable. Studies have shown that infertile women suffer deep and severe psychological distress. Mental distress affected by infertility is defined as a kind of mental and psychological problem or disturbance caused by the lack of conditions to maintain and have a child. Infertility can cause many psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, stress, social isolation and low self-esteem in men and women. Sometimes depression is identified in the third year of infertility. Psychological distress of one or both partners can be a strong predictor of marital distress. Over time, psychological distress causes a decrease in distress tolerance, which causes a person to exhibit more maladaptive behaviors. Considering the existence of various evidences related to the negative effects of psychological distress in life, as well as the impact of emotional problems in creating various psychological problems such as psychological distress, the activity to discover their underlying processes is very important. Psychological distress leads to many mental tensions for people, which can affect the results of people's activities. Researchers have always paid attention to reducing the amount of psychological distress as a concern and have carried out many practical activities in this regard. Various factors have an effect on psychological distress, such as the effect of people's control over their emotions. Controlling emotions means that people can distinguish and identify and express their emotions in different conditions and situations. Controlling emotions is related to cognitive evaluations and distinguishes humans from other creatures and different aspects of a person's life. Interpersonal interactions affect mental health and even physical health. In fact, infertility and its treatment process is a source of mental suffering and psychological distress. Infertility has a negative effect on couples physically, psychologically and economically, and social and family pressures increase this negative effect, and especially in infertile women who are prone to psychological pressures, this effect is greater. Feeling ashamed and blaming yourself is one of the negative effects of infertility that can be seen in most problems and mental disorders.
Methods: The method of the current research was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population includes 150 infertile women referred to infertility centers in Mashhad in the second six months of 1401. Based on the entry criteria, the age was between 30 and 40 years old and three years of cohabitation had passed. According to the statistical population through available sampling method, 30 people were selected as a sample and were placed in two groups of 15 people (experimental and control). tools used; Emotion control questionnaire by Williams and Kamles (1997), psychological distress questionnaire by Kessler, Barker, Cope, Epstein, Groerer and colleagues (2003). In order to analyze the data, SPSS-23 software and multivariate covariance analysis were used for inferential statistics.
Results: The results showed that the difference in the adjusted averages of emotional control and psychological distress of the two compassion therapy and control groups in the post-test is statistically significant. The difference in the scores of the groups or the size of the effect of group membership is 0.85.
Conclusion: In compassion-based therapy, people learn not to avoid their painful feelings and not to suppress them, so they can first recognize their experience and feel compassion for it. Then, they should have a compassionate attitude towards themselves, which requires adopting a balanced psychological perspective called emotion control. Controlling emotions is a balanced state that requires full observation and acceptance of emotional and psychological phenomena that arise. When people are not aware of painful thoughts, they do not accept their experiences as they are, and this rejection may show itself as an obstacle to bringing these thoughts to consciousness. In this treatment method, instead of focusing on changing people's self-evaluation, people's relationship with their self-evaluation is changed. In compassion exercises, it is emphasized on relaxation, a calm and sympathetic mind, and mindfulness, which will play a significant role in calming the mind, reducing stress and negative spontaneous thoughts, and as a result, increasing intimacy and emotional control in people. will be. This finding may be attributed to the fact that the reduction of negative emotions through compassion-based therapy can not only reduce psychological distress in people, but teaching compassionate and empathetic behaviors causes people to be more have appropriate behaviors with others before, which will result in the mutual expansion of supportive behaviors on behalf of others, as well as increasing its perception. Also, considering the role of psychological distress and self-centeredness in increasing psychological well-being, it can be said that the improvement of mental health along with the spread of positive emotions creates an optimistic attitude towards others and their intentions in a person. slow by creating and strengthening an inner compassionate relationship in clients, compassion-based therapy can replace blame, condemnation, or self-criticism, and therefore, by overcoming problems, it can reduce psychological distress and increase emotional control. Therefore, it can be concluded that compassion therapy is effective in controlling the emotions and psychological distress of infertile women. Among the limitations of the research, it can be mentioned that the statistical sample is limited to 30 infertile women, that this number cannot be a good and sufficient representative for the society, therefore, it is suggested to investigate a larger number in future research and also in this research, there was no treatment follow-up period, which is suggested to be done with a follow-up period in the next research. It is also suggested to hold educational workshops related to the harmful factors for women with infertility and the consequences and necessity of providing treatment solutions for infertile women and their relatives.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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