Volume 29, Issue 2 (4-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(2): 130-137 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghadimi B. Examining the Relationship between Social Health and Students' Aggression. RJMS 2022; 29 (2) :130-137
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8491-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,Tehran, Iran. , dr.b.ghadimi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (383 Views)
Background & Aims: Social issues are social phenomena, including structural conditions and action patterns, which are in the path of social transformations, between the current situation and the desired situation, and the achievement of goals threatens desirable values. One of the important social issues is related to people's health. Today, a large part of diseases (both mental and physical) in developing countries are strongly related to social factors and models. Problems such as poverty, failure in education, living in a poor physical environment, high levels of insecurity in society (such as violence, and accidents), and adverse life events such as separation from parents, job loss, or forced migration are social factors that have a great impact on It has states and mental and social health of people. The importance of the issue increases, social health means the ability to interact with people and the environment to create a satisfactory interpersonal relationship. The ability to communicate honestly with others and manage conflict healthily and ethically during an appropriate and acceptable time is one of the indicators of social health. The concept of social health is a concept that is considered along with the physical and mental aspects of health. Social health is synonymous with the level of performance of the members of society, and health is something beyond the reporting of disease symptoms, the number of diseases, and the functional capabilities of a person. One of the important factors that are important in the social health of people is the topic of aggression in society, which is also the topic of sociologists and psychologists in terms of sociology, because if the level of aggression increases in a society, then the social health will also increase. People are also at risk. Several definitions of anger have been presented by philosophers and sociologists, but two common points can be observed in all of them. The main cause of anger is threats, failures, and obstacles that are put in people's way. The purpose of anger is often defense, war, and destruction. Although anger is a natural and sometimes useful emotion, it also carries risks. When anger is out of control and destructive, it can lead to problems at work, interpersonal relationships, and overall quality of life. Also, the analysis of statistics and information shows that anger has increased in the last few decades and a lot of empirical evidence has shown the destructive effects of anger in human relationships - therefore, according to the stated content and the lack of research related to the relationship between social health and aggression In students, the aim of the present study was the relationship between social health and students' aggression.
Methods: The present research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and correlational in terms of method, and the statistical population of this research included all students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Islamic Azad University, Sari branch, who were studying in the academic year of 2021-2022. According to the inquiry from the university education unit, the number of statistical populations was equal to 2400 people, and the available sampling method was used to determine the number of statistical samples, which was determined to be 331 people using Cochran's formula. The research tools included three questionnaires on social health by Keyes (2004) and aggression by Zahedifar et al. (2019), both of which were standard questionnaires. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the demographic variables and SPSS software was used to investigate the research objectives.
Results: The research results showed that there is a negative relationship between social health and students' aggression.
Conclusion: Health has different physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and social dimensions, and these concepts, while benefiting from common aspects, also have different aspects and are influenced by many factors. Health is a multidimensional concept and the definition of the World Health Organization refers to its three physical, mental, and social dimensions. Physical or biological health is health in the functions of the body and the optimal state of functioning of each cell or body organ in complete harmony with the rest of the body. According to the definition of the US Department of Health and Human Services, mental health is a state of successful functioning of mental processes, efficient activities, effective and productive relationships with people, and the ability to adapt to changes and adapt to favorable conditions. The recent definition is the result of forty years of efforts by experts to provide a comprehensive definition of mental health; not just in the sense of not having a mental illness. Social health is the ability to effectively and efficiently perform social roles without harming others, social health is the assessment of the individual's conditions and work in society. Health is associated with all aspects, including basic human rights and indicators of justice in society. The right to health means having a healthy and productive life with quality, along with an acceptable life span and free from disease and disability. This is everyone's right and the governments are responsible for it. One of the important goals of the health system in every country is to provide, maintain, and improve the health and quality of life of all members of society. To achieve this, the provision of suitable facilities and facilities to ensure the physical, mental, and social health of human beings in all stages of life is considered a basic right. In this research, one of the dimensions (social health dimension) is investigated. Social health includes the levels of social skills, social performance, and the ability of everyone to know themselves as a member of the larger society, and attention is paid to economic and social conditions and personal well-being about the social network. Social health is the relationship between the network of social connections and personal balance and compatibility between the person and the environment. With the transition of societies from traditional to industrial mode, the discussion about the health of people in the society becomes more important. The new century has brought with it new ideas, a serious belief is that a nation cannot be judged solely on its economic growth, but the sense of well-being, mental security, and health in different dimensions (biological, psychological, social, spiritual) are also important. Is. In a stable society, equality, education, health, health, and the enjoyment of basic needs are among the necessities of a society and indicators of its development. Health is a common issue in many cultures. Every society has a special concept of health as part of its culture. Health promotion in society is considered as an indicator of the capability of the social system. This capability is considered in practical terms by evaluating the life of the people in the society. Social factors have a significant effect on the process by which our society organizes its resources to deal with health risks and provide medical care to people, and in this, the role of social factors in a society is of particular importance. Therefore, health is not only a biological matter, social factors are also involved in determining the level of health of people. Social conditions and situations not only increase the possibility of disease or disability but also can draw a certain horizon in terms of disease prevention and health maintenance because health is a necessary condition for fulfilling social roles and humans can be fully active if to make them feel healthy and the society to consider them healthy and to have an effect on the feeling of violence and anger in the society and reduce the level of aggression.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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