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Ethics code: IR.SSRC.REC.1401.008
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Background and Aim: Aging population and cardiovascular diseases are the main causes of death in the world. Heart tissue is an oxidative tissue and prone to oxidative damage. Exercise increases the activity of antioxidant enzymes and prevents the activity of free radicals. Also, coenzyme Q10 is a fat-soluble vitamin that improves cardiovascular function. The purpose of this study was the effect of six weeks of aerobic exercise with Q10 supplementation on malondialdehyde (MDA) and catalase (CAT) levels in the heart tissue of aged male Wistar rats.
The current study was a developmental study and its method was an experimental one. the present research is based on an animal model and in a five-group design with post-test of independent groups to measure MDA and CAT and a pre-test-post-test design for Vpeak and Lee's index have been measured. In this research, we tried to control all research variables. These variables include the same water and food, the same temperature and humidity (22 ± 3) degrees Celsius and relative humidity (55 ± 5%), the same sleep and light cycle (12:12 hours), the same gender and health status (all). (male and healthy), the training time was the same in the morning (9 to 12) and the place of keeping was the same (the animal house of the Faculty of Sports Sciences of Tarbiat Debir Shahid Rajaei University). For this purpose, 17 elderly male laboratory mice with an average weight of 422 grams and an age of 88-96 weeks were obtained from Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Company and randomly divided into five groups including three groups of three (exercise sham-supplemented sham-control) and two Four groups were divided (aerobic exercise-aerobic exercise and supplement). The number of samples in the control and sham groups was less than of the training groups, so that a smaller number of animal samples were killed due to ethical issues. At the beginning of the study, the animals were familiarized with the environment and trained on a treadmill for two weeks. 48 hours after the last familiarization session, the animals performed an increasing exercise test up to the limit of exhaustion to determine the maximum running speed on the treadmill. The increasing test started with a speed of ten meters per minute and every three minutes, a speed equal to three meters per minute was added to it (12). Based on the Vpeak (the highest velocity in an incremental exercise test) obtained, the training protocol was designed for six weeks and five sessions per week for the training groups, and then the training protocols were started. Vpeak was measured every two weeks to determine training intensity. The program of moderate intensity continuous training (MICT) was performed on the treadmill with an intensity of 65% of Vpeak for 15 minutes in the first week, in the second week with an intensity of 65% of Vpeak for 20 minutes, in the week The third was performed with an intensity of 70% of Vpeak for 25 minutes, and from the fourth week to the end of the sixth week, it reached an intensity of 70% of Vpeak in 30 minutes: the subjects warmed up with an intensity of 40-50% of Vpeak for 5 minutes before starting the protocol and after finishing the protocol, they cooled in the same way (13). The mice of the control group passed 6 weeks without any training or supplementation. During this period, the control rats received the stress of the training hand to be the same as the other groups. The supplemental sham group received sesame oil by gavage every day for six weeks, the training sham group was put on a silent treadmill for 6 weeks with a frequency of 5 days per week equal to the training time of the training groups in order to understand the stress of the machine. In this research, at the same time as performing the exercise protocol to the group of aerobic exercise + supplement, 20 mg of Q10 supplement (Salamat Nano Chemistry Company) dissolved in fat per kilogram of body weight combined with 0.5 cc of sesame oil during 42 days to Gavage was given (the dose of Q10 supplement, 20 mg per kilogram of body weight was given to the aerobic exercise-supplement group) (14, 15). To prove the adequacy of training and its effect, stabilizing variables including: Lee's index and maximum rate of oxygen consumption were measured at the beginning and end of 6 weeks for the studied groups. (The following formula was used to measure the Lee index.

𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥=3√body weight )g( Nasoanal length (cm) ×1000

48 hours after the last training session, mice were sampled to eliminate the response of the last training session. in such a way that the mice are anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of ketamine (50-100 mg/kg) and xylazine (5-10 mg/kg) and after ensuring complete anesthesia by pain test, under sterile conditions by making an incision in The anterior part of the chest was surgically performed and normal saline was connected with serum to the right ventricle of the rat's heart and instead of blood, it flowed inside the body, and when the blood was completely removed from all the organs of the body, PBS replaced normal saline to fix the organs, and when the organs were completely fixed and prevented the organs from completely rotting, the heart muscle was removed with appropriate surgical instruments (scissors and forceps) and then Remove surgical instruments. It was placed in liquid nitrogen (with a temperature of -196°C) with PBS, and after being transferred to the laboratory, it was kept at a temperature of -80°C to measure the amount of MDA and CAT. To measure CAT activity, it was centrifuged for 5 minutes at 1400 xg at 5°C and for MDA measurement at 1600 xg for 10 minutes at 4°C, and the obtained supernatant was used for analysis. ELISA method was used to measure CAT activity and spectrophotometric method was used to measure MDA using plate reader device, Synergy HT, biotek company. During the reaction of catalase in the sample with methanol in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, formaldehyde is produced, which after the reaction with a dye compound produced a purple color and its absorption intensity was measured at 540 nm, which is proportional to the concentration of formaldehyde. MDA present in the sample with thiobaric acid (TBA) produces a pink complex, whose absorption intensity was measured at 530-540 nm wavelength, which is proportional to the concentration of the complex. Rat CAT ELISA Kit, TPR (Iran), CAT.No:TPR9806B was used to measure CAT, and Rat MDA ELISA Kit, TPR (Iran), CAT.No:TPR-MDA-48T was used to measure MDA.

After collecting the raw data, the Shapiro-Wilk test was used to check the normality of the data distribution. Then, in order to statistically analyze the data and compare between the groups one-way ANOVA test was used, and because the groups were unequal, the Scheffe test was used. Correlated T-test was used to check the changes of stabilizing variables. All statistical calculations were done using SPSS26 software at a significant level of P≤0.05.
Results: Based on the obtained results, there was a significant difference between the groups after six weeks of aerobic training along with Q10 supplementation  on activity of the catalase enzyme and level of malondialdehyde in the heart tissue of male rats. (P≤0.05)
Conclusion: In general, the present study showed that aerobic exercise along with Q10 supplementation is effective in improving antioxidant function and reducing oxidative stress damage. Therefore, according to the above result, it is possible to cautiously recommend aerobic exercise along with Q10 supplementation for the elderly.
Keywords: Aging, Oxidative stress, MDA, CAT, Q10 Supplement
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Exercise Physiology

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