Volume 31, Issue 1 (3-2024)                   RJMS 2024, 31(1): 1-13 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.269
Clinical trials code: 01

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Salehzadeh S, Ghanbari Hashem Abadi B A, Nejat H. Structural Equation Modeling of the Tendency Toward Marital Infidelity Based on Communication Orientation and Conformity with the Mediation of Attachment Styles and Sexual Satisfaction. RJMS 2024; 31 (1) :1-13
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8437-en.html
Professor, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran , ghanbarih@um.ac.ir
Abstract:   (591 Views)
Background & Aims: Marital infidelity usually occurs after one or more sexual-emotional needs are not met in marital relationships, and it brings irreparable consequences for couples and marital relationships, consequences that affect not only the psychological world of the couple but also their physical security. The serious consequences that marital infidelity brings for couples from various psychological, physical, and social dimensions have made the examination of marital infidelity and the underlying factors and causes of it doubly important. In a general and valid classification, researchers and experts have divided the factors related to marital infidelity into three areas: individual differences (characteristics and attitudes), the nature of the relationship (level of commitment and satisfaction with the relationship), environmental conditions (opportunity of infidelity or attractiveness of the person). The serious consequences that marital infidelity brings for couples from various psychological, physical, and social dimensions have made the examination of marital infidelity and its underlying factors and causes doubly important; Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the structural relationships of the tendency to marital infidelity based on the orientation of dialogue and listening and conformity with the mediation of attachment styles and sexual satisfaction.
Methods: In this descriptive-correlational study, the research population included all men and women who referred to counseling centers in Mashhad, and 220 people were selected from among them using the multi-stage cluster sampling method. The population of the current research was all women and men who referred to counseling centers in Mashhad and since the present study was conducted on the tendency to extramarital relationships, there was no restriction on women and men referring to counseling centers in Mashhad to be selected in the sample group. The research sample in the present study was selected using multi-stage cluster sampling method, in this way, first two regions were randomly selected from among the regions of Mashhad city, and then 10 centers were randomly selected from among the counseling and psychological service centers of the said regions. Finally, 220 people (22 people from each center) were randomly selected from among men and women who came to these centers with the aim of receiving psychological and counseling services regarding marital issues. Considering the necessity of observing the ethical principles and the informed consent of the authorities to participate in the research, we discussed the subject of the research with the selected subjects and if any of the subjects expressed their unwillingness to participate in the research, we replaced them with another subject. The tools used to collect data include questionnaires including Mark Watley's Extramarital Relations Questionnaire (2006), Koerner and Fitzpatrick's Revised Family Communication Patterns Questionnaire (2002), Hazen and Shaver's Adult Attachment Styles Questionnaire (1987) and Hudson's Sexual Satisfaction Questionnaire - Harrison and Kruskap (1981) used the structural equation modeling method to analyze the data.
Results: The results of the present study indicated that the orientation of communication directly and through the three variables of secure attachment style, avoidant attachment style and ambivalent attachment style was able to predict the tendency to marital infidelity. The results of the research also indicated the effect of the communication pattern of conformity orientation directly and indirectly through attachment styles on the tendency to commit marital infidelity. The amount of direct and indirect effects of the variables is listed in Table 5. The data in this table show that the direct and indirect effects of the communication pattern of conformity orientation on the tendency to cheat are reversed; In other words, the increase in conformity orientation scores is both directly and indirectly related to the decrease in betrayal tendency scores and vice versa. Also, the direct effect of secure attachment on the tendency to infidelity is reversed, but the direct effects of anxious and ambivalent attachment styles on the tendency to infidelity are positive, which means that with the increase in the scores in each of these two styles, the scores of the tendency to infidelity also increase.
Conclusion: In general, it can be stated that the important role of communication patterns in the emergence of problems related to marital satisfaction and especially the tendency to extramarital relationships makes it necessary to pay attention to this issue and provide the necessary training in this field in the future activities of couple therapists and experts in the marital field. Different communication patterns can affect the tendency to extramarital relationships through changes in emotional expression styles and attachment styles. Communication patterns and how to use them through changes in relationships lead to misunderstandings or open relationships. These clear understandings or relationships can affect couples' attachment patterns and confirm or correct their previous styles. When couples choose dysfunctional communication patterns, it causes the couple's unhealthy attachment styles to be strengthened, or even the couple's previously secure attachment style changes over time and turns into an insecure attachment style. This issue causes couples to deal with uncertainty about their relationships and cannot consider their relationship as a safe relationship and therefore try to search for safe relationships rather than moving from some relationships to other relationships. The results also indicated the effect of the communication pattern of conformity orientation directly and indirectly through attachment styles on the tendency to marital infidelity. The results of this research also show that sexual satisfaction cannot play a significant role as a mediator in the relationship between the communication pattern of conformity orientation and the tendency to commit marital infidelity.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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