Research code: نویسندگان متعهد می شوند تا زمان چاپ مقاله شماره اخلاق ا
Ethics code: IR.ATU.REC.1402.091
Clinical trials code: نویسندگان متعهد می شوند تا زمان چاپ مقاله شماره اخلاق ا

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Department of Motor Behavior and Sport Psychology, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract:   (487 Views)
Introduction: Psychological characteristics are important in predicting sports success and failure of professional athletes. The present study has been compiled with the aim of the identify the psychological factors affecting success of athletes in the 2024 Paris Olympics.
Method: the present research was carried out in the framework of the qualitative research approach and by using the data base theory method of Charms, in which the schematic model of the factors was drawn, and the sampling method was The qualitative part was targeted and the participants were 15 Olympic experts and sports psychologists. Analyzing and analyzing the data of this research was done based on Charms (2006) coding, identifying success components and presenting a qualitative model in the Olympics with the help of MAXQDA software.
Results: The results include open coding, 88 open codes and 18 core categories under the title: emotional factors, motivational factors, foresight, individual factors, team tasks, expectations from athletes, tasks, vital information, social awareness, personality factors, competitive factors, individual dynamics, Success tools, spiritual factors, cognitive skills, psychological skills, communication skills, and moral skills. Finally, the three main psychological factors affecting success in the 2024 Paris Olympics were identified, including motivational, environmental, and individual factors.
Conclusion: According to the results, suggested to be emotional, encouraging, and forward-looking. Athletes should be given importance and serious measures should be taken for the athletes themselves and their families by relying on their salaries, appropriate benefits, life insurance, medical and welfare services, so that the road to success in the Olympics can be spent well.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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