Volume 30, Issue 6 (9-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(6): 265-275 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: 01
Ethics code: IR.IAU.R.REC.1401.014
Clinical trials code: 01

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Lachini A, Mojtabaie M, Mirhashemi M. Compilation and Validation of an Educational Package, an Intervention for Generalized Anxiety Based on a Solution-Oriented Perspective and its Clinical Trial on Marital Intimacy in Couples Referring to Medical Centers. RJMS 2023; 30 (6) :265-275
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8323-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Roudhen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudhen, Iran , Mojtabaie_in@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (691 Views)

Background & Aims: The aim of this research was to develop and validate an educational package, an intervention for pervasive anxiety based on a solution-oriented perspective and to test it clinically on marital intimacy in couples referring to medical centers.
Methods: The current research was conducted in two parts, qualitative and quantitative. The first sub-study: Compilation of an interventional, educational package for generalized anxiety based on a solution-oriented approach through 1) review, 2) review of experts' opinions using the Delphi method, and 3) determining the content validity of the designed educational package, and the second sub-study: clinical trial of the educational package. , an intervention on meta-anxiety, psychological capital and marital intimacy. The quantitative part of the research was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The treatment package was compiled in 8 sessions of 45 minutes. This package was implemented on 30 couples, at least one of whom had generalized anxiety disorder. Sampling was available in a purposeful way, which was randomly replaced in the two experimental groups (15 couples) and the control group (15 couples). Finally, the information of 27 couples entered the statistical analysis. The research tools were Spitzer et al.'s 7-item generalized anxiety disorder questionnaire (GAD-7), and Bagaroozi couple's need for intimacy questionnaire (MINQ), which were completed by both groups at the beginning and end of the intervention. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS 26 software and the inferential statistics of the multivariate analysis. By analyzing and refining these ideas, removing duplicates and using the same words, the researcher extracts the final list of factors related to the research problem. The research environment included all universities of medical sciences and universities of the Ministry of Science of the country. The researched community included all key informants including experts, experts, specialists in the field of mental health (psychiatrists, psychologists) and... The entry criteria of the participants include the desire to participate in the interview, having a doctorate degree/specialization in the field of mental health (psychology/psychiatry), having at least 5 years of teaching, research and treatment experience in the field of mental health in reputable scientific centers and experts in the field. Psychological treatments and especially the solution-oriented approach. To collect the required information based on the purposeful sampling method in the Delphi method, 13 experts and faculty members of the universities of medical sciences and the Ministry of Science of the country and abroad were selected in the fields of psychiatry and psychology. Then the compilation of the final educational-intervention package was done in two stages of the research: compilation of data and compilation of the content of the package based on generalized anxiety and compilation of the executive structure of the treatment package with the focus of generalized anxiety. The prepared educational package was sent to experts (10 experts) in the field of psychology to check its content validity. They were asked to comment on relevance, clarity and simplicity, and essentials. To analyze the data in terms of content validity, two indices of content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) were used. In order to calculate this ratio, the opinions of experts were used in the field of the content of the compiled educational package. The experts were asked to classify each of the techniques and meetings, tasks and work of leaves according to the three-part Likert scale: it is necessary, it is useful but not necessary, it is not necessary. In the implementation phase of the educational package (trial phase), the purpose of this phase was to conduct a clinical trial of the educational intervention package on meta-anxiety and psychological capital and marital intimacy of couples referring to treatment centers, one of which had pervasive anxiety. This was a semi-experimental research with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The research community includes all couples who, based on the screening, at least one of them has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and have referred to psychiatric offices, clinics, counseling offices and psychological services in Mahabad city from July 1401 to October 1401. According to Cohen's table, the sample size will be 10 people for each group with the test power of 85 and the effect size of 70 and alpha of 0.05, but to consider the possibility of dropping out, 15 people were determined in each group, and the selection of the research sample is available non-randomly. The inclusion criteria for people to participate in the research in order to compare the people under study and according to the characteristics of the research are: the agreement and willingness of the couple to participate in the research and sign a written consent form, having symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder as diagnosed by a psychiatrist or psychologist of the center and a high score in the anxiety questionnaire Inclusive, in case of drug use, the possibility of keeping the type and amount of drug used constant during the research, being married and having at least one and a maximum of 15 years of cohabitation, not on the verge of divorce, reading and writing literacy at least until the end of middle school, age range 50 20 years, commitment and willingness of the couple to regularly and continuously participate in the meetings, not having addictions and not having a severe mental disorder according to the clinical interview and not receiving other individual and couple counseling and psychological services during the participation in the interventional and educational sessions of the research.
Results: The results showed that the pervasive anxiety intervention training package based on the solution-oriented approach had an effect on the rest of the marital intimacy components, except for the spiritual and aesthetic intimacy of the couple's intimacy components.
Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that the comprehensive anxiety intervention package based on the solution-oriented approach had an effect on marital intimacy.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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