Noorbakhsh S, Javaher Tarash N, Rimaz S, Rezaei M, Tabatabaei A. Comparative Study of Chlamydia Pneumonia(IgM&IgG) Frequency in under 14-Year Old Children with Pneumonia and in Unaffected Children Hospitalized in Pediatric Ward. RJMS 2004; 11 (43) :855-860
Abstract: (9698 Views)
Chlamydia pneumonia is a common cause of lower respiratory tract infection and causes about 10-20% of community acquired pneumonia. It is seen in any age group and reactivates the asthma, so it needs specific treatment. Chlamydia pneumonia hardly grows in culture therefore, serologic diagnosis is used. The goal of the present study was to determine the frequency of acute and previous infection of chlamydia pneumonia and the mean age of infection in under 14-year-old children with pneumonia. Successful treatment of these patients with erythromycin and other macrolides not only decreases the rate of pneumonia in children but also dramatically decreases the asthmatic attacks in predisposed children and hospital admission. This case-control study was conducted on 73 children aged under 14 years(35 case and 28 control). For detection of specific IgM & IgG in serum enzyme, linked immunoassay was used. Mean age of children was 3.87±3.7 years (48.6% male 51.4% female). Acute infection (IgM) was positive in 48% of all children and 57% of children with pneumonia. The highest rate was seen in 2-3 age group (40%) with mean age of 3.7. Previous infection (IgG) detected in 27.4% of all children with highest rate (50%) was in over 5-year-old age group. Acute chlamydia infection (IgM) was significantly higher in case group (P>0.001), but no significant difference in previous infection was seen between case and control groups. In conclusion, acute C. pneumonia infection (IgM) is seen in 50% of the 3-year-old children population either with or without pneumonia. Additionally, treatment with oral erythromycin is a successful way to decrease the rate of pneumonia, asthmatic attacks in predisposed children and hospital admission. All of the children would be seropositive (IgG positive) up to the age of 5.