Background & Aim: Osteoporosis is one of the most common diseases among elderly adults and old people, being associated with some risk factors. Osteoporosis is expensive, costly and infirmer disease that is accompanied by mortality and morbidity. Osteoporotic fractures are one of the most common causes of disability and a major contributor to medical care costs in many regions of the world. The aim of this study is to determine the osteoporosis risk factors among women. Patients and Methods: This case-control study was carried out on 100 women with normal bone mineral density settled in control group and 100 persons with low bone mineral density of the same center settled in case group. Data inregard to risk factors including age, BMI, underlying disorders(diabetes mellitus, hyper/hypothyroidism, renal stone, arthritic pain, hernial disk pain, joint pain), family history, history of fracture, tobacco consumption, physical activity, ocp use, estrogen and progestrone consumption, menopause, history of surgery(oopherectomy or hysterectomy), use of dairy products and drug consumption(calcium and corticosteroids) were collected by referring to medical files and recorded in data forms. For data analysis spss software, chi-square and fisher's tests were used. Odds Ratio(OR) and CI 95% were also colculated. Results: Results showed that age>50(P<0.001, OR=5.86), arthritic pain(P<0.001, OR=4.22), menopause(P<0.001, OR= 29.6), use of dairy products(P<0.001, OR=34.02), underlying disorders(P=0.019, OR=2.85), history of fracture(P=0.03, OR=2.37), family history(P=0.021, OR=4.88) and physical activity(P<0.001, OR=0.097) were related to osteoporosis there were no other significant relationships with other factors. Also significant relationship was observed between age>50(P=0.038, OR=2.47), joint pain(P<0.001, OR= 5.43), family history(P=0.002, OR= 7.07), physical activity(P<0.001, OR= 0.14), menopause(P= 0.038, OR= 2.47) and use of dairy products(P< 0.001, OR= 27.44) with osteopenia there were no other significant relation with other factors. Conclusion: This study has been conducted for prevention of osteoprosis. Based on the results, public education in regard to physical activity and dietary intake of calcium is mandatory for prevention of osteoporosis.