Research code: 1
Ethics code: IR.IAU.TON.REC.1401.076
Clinical trials code: 1

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Department of Educational Management, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract:   (612 Views)
The initial reactions of parents to autism can be very different, but most of these reactions are influenced by the different beliefs of their parents and their surroundings, and they have a wide range of general denial of the problem and not coping with it, or intense pursuit of treatment (5). . Due to the many problems of these children, families and especially mothers with autistic children suffer from a lot of tension and psychological pressure (6). In this context, researches have shown that families of autistic children have more stress and are involved with it than families of mentally retarded and Down syndrome children (7).
In a research, it was found that the stress of these families is increasing due to issues that change over time, and it was argued that professionals should prepare families through a variety of coping strategies to enable them to deal with these issues. (9). Psychodynamic therapy is a psychotherapy system that tries to create the experience of repressed emotions in the unconscious, negative maladaptive beliefs that form the basis of emotional reactions, and distorted beliefs about oneself and one's capabilities and worth. to identify and restore the internalized patterns and as a result reduce self-harming emotional and behavioral reactions (7).
Cognitive distortions are the strongest predictors of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders. They suffer from distortions in their thoughts such as extreme generalization, hasty conclusions, and personalization of things, and in these negative thoughts, there are traces of stable and uncontrollable internal documents. can be seen Cognitive researchers have called the moment-to-moment flow of ideas, beliefs, or images as spontaneous thoughts. Cognitive-behavioral therapists have realized that usually, instead of measuring the correctness of spontaneous thoughts, people accept their correctness based on their face value. It seems that the assumptions and criteria include broader aspects of a person's worldview and are considered schemas in Beck's cognitive model. Thoughts that are considered as irrational beliefs or cognitive distortions are considered as important factors for the emergence and continuation of dysfunctional behaviors and mental disorders (10).
According to the above material, it can be concluded that programs to support the family and teach coping and problem-solving strategies, especially to change irrational beliefs and increase the mental health of parents and especially the mother (considering that the mother is a member of it is the family that has the most relationship with these children) is very effective and helps the family in accepting this issue, adapts properly to the child's conditions and thus has a favorable effect on the family system. Therefore, it is necessary to hold sessions based on psychodynamic approach for mothers with autistic children. The researchers are trying to answer the question whether short-term dynamic psychotherapy has a meaningful effect on the cognitive distortion of mothers with autistic children.
To conduct this applied and semi-experimental research, which was conducted with a pre-test and post-test design, and the ethics ID IR.IAU.TON.REC.1401.076 has been approved at the Islamic Azad University of Tunkabon. 20 people were selected among the mothers of children with autistic disorder who referred to the rehabilitation center in Tehran, who were examined for neurological and mental diseases and psychotic disorders, and no abnormality or mental disorder was found in them. And they were randomly divided into two groups of 10 people, test and control. Both groups completed the 20-question cognitive distortion questionnaire by Abdullahzadeh and Maryam Salar (2009) before and after the intervention.
In the following, the experimental group attended 9 sessions, two 60-minute sessions a week, according to the psychodynamic approach, and received the necessary treatments according to Table (1). Finally, the data were analyzed using covariance analysis and spss software version 23.
As shown in Table 2, the averages in the pre-test and post-test of the dependent variable of cognitive distortion are different, and the difference in the remaining scores in the post-test after controlling the intervening variables in the experimental group is significant (F=86.25). and p<0.05). Because the mean variable of cognitive distortion in the subjects of the experimental group after short-term psychodynamic therapy has significantly decreased, in other words, short-term psychodynamics has a significant effect on reducing cognitive distortion.
The results showed that short-term psychodynamic intervention has a significant effect on the cognitive distortion of mothers with children with autism (Table 3).
The results showed that short-term psychodynamic therapy has improved mental health and reduced mental tension and negative beliefs about oneself and others compared to the control group. In explaining these results, it should be said that short-term psychotherapy has its main focus in the treatment process on increasing the capacity to experience repressed emotions and rebuilding destructive patterns internalized in the unhealthy part of the person's unconscious, and the person has the necessary insight and awareness about the experiences of suppression. He finds and tries to increase his self-esteem, self-efficacy, self-worth and capability.
Therefore, the attitude of changing the individual's attention and awareness towards positive abilities and mood-enhancing facilities in front of the factors that cause stress, tension and even depression, can help mothers of autistic children in dealing with tension and stress and prevent the recurrence of symptoms. The parents of these children experience higher stress compared to the parents of normal children and other children with special needs or chronic diseases. Children with autism create new requests for parents due to their care, education and rehabilitation needs. And these factors, in turn, can affect the adaptation process and mental health of their parents (1).
Cognitive distortions are the strongest predictors of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders. They suffer from distortions in their thoughts such as extreme generalization, hasty conclusions, and personalization of things, and in these negative thoughts, there are traces of stable and irreversible internal documents. The control can be seen. Cognitive researchers call the moment-to-moment flow of ideas, beliefs, or images spontaneous thoughts.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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