Research code: IR.IAU.A.REC.1400.005
Ethics code: IR.IAU.A.REC.1400.005
Clinical trials code: IR.IAU.A.REC.1400.005

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Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran. ,
Abstract:   (614 Views)
Introduction: depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders that its treatment imposes large amount of costs on the individual and consequently the family and society.
Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders, which destroys a person's innate capacity to grow and flourish, causing a disorder in a person's mental health [1] and as one of the major health problems, it is predicted that by 2030, it will be the only become the main cause of disease all over the world [2]. This serious mood disorder is accompanied by severe symptoms that affect a person's feelings, thoughts and daily life [3]. The prevalence rate of depression is higher than other mental disorders and is around 17%. In the Iranian population, the prevalence rate of depression varies between 5.69% and 73%, and among women it is reported to be 1.7 times more than men [4]. Depressed patients are part of the group of patients who do not receive adequate treatment and only half of them recover. It seems that the effective management of depression in patients requires more attention to their preferences, treatment needs, and finally the use of more comprehensive treatment packages to maximize patient participation and adequate use of the treatment method[5].
Objective: the study aimed to evaluate effectiveness acceptance and commitment therapy for cognitive flexibility, resilience and perceived stress among depressed women of Andimeshk.
Method: statistical population included all the women referring to psychiatric clinics of Andimeshk from March 2021 to March 2022. According to the inclusion criteria, 30 patients who were willing to participate in the research were randomly assigned into two groups (experiment group and control group, 15 people each). to Morrow’s questionnaire was used; for cognitive flexibility, Dennis and Vander Wal’s questionnaire and for resilience, Connor-Davidson Scale and for perceived stress, Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein were applied. To diagnose depression the clinical interview SCID5 was applied. The data were analyzed using analysis of covariance and evaluation of its assumptions.
Findings: the results indicated that acceptance and commitment therapy affected the depressed patients’ cognitive flexibility and perceived stress. Inferential findings showed that the treatment based on acceptance and commitment to reflection, cognitive flexibility, resilience and perceived stress of depressed patients had a significant effect. In order to align the obtained results with the research background, it can be said that the treatment based on acceptance and commitment, relying on its therapeutic principles, including the principle of acceptance, as the most basic principle of treatment, by increasing the patient's psychological acceptance of his thoughts and feelings, has been able to reduce ineffective control actions such as perceived stress are effective. Because during the above treatment method, a person learns to accept them without any internal or external reactions in order to eliminate the above reactions, then the above acceptance by the patient makes him able to act independently of such negative experiences. This has been able to lead to a reduction in and a more logical evaluation of stressful situations by the person, and this is how the perceived stress of patients has decreased. Also, by increasing the psychological and mental acceptance of the person, the above treatment has increased the patient's cognitive flexibility by actively and effectively confronting his thoughts and feelings and avoiding any avoidance.
Conclusion: the results emphasized the efficiency of this therapy for depressed patients and that it can be used as an effective interventional procedure. Treatment based on acceptance and commitment in depressed patients has resulted in their ability to use effective coping strategies. This ability causes people to have a more logical approach to the conditions of different life situations and when problems arise, they deal with them by solving the appropriate problem, and in this way, their resilience has increased. Treatment based on acceptance and commitment instead of changing cognitions increases the psychological connection of a person with his thoughts and feelings. It also increases the capacity to accept psychological experiences and commitment, meaningful, flexible, adaptive activities without considering the content of obvious experiences [60]. By clarifying values and paying them and determining the important goals of life, instead of dealing with symptoms and everyday issues, people including depressed patients learn to deal with values and what is more important in life instead of physical and mental responses. It causes a decrease in the attention and excessive sensitivity of the person to the complications of the disease.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Psychiatry

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