Volume 30, Issue 7 (10-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(7): 1-8 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکتری است
Ethics code: IR.SSRC.REC.1402.115
Clinical trials code: مقاله مستخرج از رساله دکتری است

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Baradaran Esfahani A, Haji Ghasem A, Fattahi Masrour F. The Effect of an MIT Exercise Course with Niglapsin Supplement (Combination of Black Seed Oil and Honey) on Some Blood Cells in LPS-Threatened Model Mice. RJMS 2023; 30 (7) :1-8
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8253-en.html
Department of Sports Physiology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad university, Tehran ,Iran , amirhajighasem8888@gmail.com
Abstract:   (631 Views)
Background & Aims: When the body's immune system is unable to respond properly to the various antigens, viruses and inflammations encountered in the human body, it suffers a loss of function, which results in severe and long-term physical damage (5, 6) One of the best ways to strengthen the immune system is the use of supplements based on medicinal plants and physical and sports activity with moderate volume and intensity.
In this regard, it can be said that ensuring the health and improving the performance of athletes is one of the main goals of physical activity and sports. Therefore, coaches and athletes try to maintain the health of athletes during training and sports competition (10). Paying attention to the above content, the importance of discovering the best training method to improve the immune system and, as a result, the performance of athletes, is of particular importance.
According to the above materials, the researchers are trying to answer the question of whether a course of MIT exercise along with niglapsin supplement (combination of black seed oil and honey) has an effect on some blood cells in LPS-Threatened model mice?
Methods: To carry out the present experimental research, 25 heads of Wistar rats, which were prepared at Razi Serum-Sazi laboratory animal breeding center and were transferred to the research center. After entering the research environment and getting acquainted with the new environment for a week, the animals were randomly divided into 5 groups of 5: control, LPS-Threatened + solvent (sham), LPS-Threatened + exercise, LPS-Threatened + supplement and LPS- Threatened + exercise + supplement were divided. In order to create a model, Wistar rats were injected with LPS at a dose of 100 μg/kg intraperitoneally into the model groups twice a week for 2 weeks (11). In the following, the experimental groups performed the exercise program based on 50-60% of Vo2Max for 4 weeks and 3 days a week under the supervision of the researcher and received gavage supplements 5 days a week. The way of doing the exercises was that in the training group, the speed based on the maximum power of movement was on average 10.6 meters per minute at the beginning and in the second week it reached 22.8 meters per minute on average and finally reached 29 meters per minute on average. Average Vo2=75 and average Vo2Max=90.
In the training and supplement group, the average speed of the first week was 12.4 meters per minute, in the second week it was 23.2 meters per minute, and in the last week it reached 30 meters per minute. and average Vo2 = 79 and average Vo2Max = 95. Finally, the rats were anesthetized using chloroform and blood sampling was done to check the amount of blood cells. Finally, descriptive statistics, Shapiro-Wilk test, one-way analysis of variance and Tukey's post hoc were used for statistical analysis of the data.
Results: Regarding the induction of the LPS model and the interventions of exercise and niglapsin supplementation, a significant difference (0.0001) has been seen between the model, exercise, supplement and model, exercise, and model, supplement groups with the model group, which indicates that the interactions Exercise and supplementation have been effective in regulating and reducing infection and inflammation in WBCs. Also, a significant difference (0.0001) has been seen between the control group and the model group, which indicates that LPS induction is effective and stimulates WBCs. In the model, exercise, supplement group, compared to the model, exercise and model, supplement groups, there was a significant difference observed (Chart 1).
According to the induction of LPS model and the interventions of exercise and niglapsin supplement, there is a significant difference (0.0001) between the groups of model, exercise, supplement with model and significant difference (0.001) of model, exercise with model and significant difference (0.01) of model, supplement with group The model has been seen, which indicates that the interactions of exercise and supplementation were effective in regulating and increasing the amount of neutrophils. Also, a significant difference (0.0001) has been seen between the control group and the model group. There was a significant difference (0.001) in the model, exercise, supplement group compared to the other model, exercise and model, supplement groups (Chart 2).
According to the induction of the LPS model and the interventions of training and niglapsin supplementation, there is a significant difference (0.0001) between the groups of model, training, supplementation with the model and a significant difference (0.01) of the model, training with the model and a significant difference (0.01) of the model, supplementation with the group The model has been seen, which indicates that the interactions of training and supplementation have been effective in regulating and reducing infection and inflammation in lymphocytes. Also, a significant difference (0.0001) has been seen between the control group and the model group. There is a significant difference (0.001) in the model, exercise, supplement group compared to the model, supplement and model, exercise groups.
Conclusion: The results of the present study showed the effect of exercise, supplement and supplemental exercise on the number of white blood cells, leukocytes and lymphocytes in LPS-Threatened mice. Regarding the effect of MIT exercise on blood cells, it can be said that one of the mechanisms involved in this is the change in plasma volume, if the plasma volume has increased due to exercise, and this difference in the effect of exercise on plasma volume, It is probably due to the difference in the intensity and type of exercise, or it depends on the degree of adaptation to exercise. This issue can be justified considering that aerobic exercise can increase the plasma volume. In this study, plasma gel was not measured, which is one of the limitations of the present research. In general, after exercising for a long time, if the intensity and volume of exercise lead to a decrease in plasma volume, it includes an increase in blood cells (16). In relation to the effect of niglapsin supplement alone and in interaction with MIT exercise on the research variables, we can also mention the effect of black seed and honey on the immune system. It seems reasonable now.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Exercise Physiology

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