Volume 30, Issue 2 (4-2023)                   RJMS 2023, 30(2): 304-313 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghorbanzadeh M. A Legal Analysis of Health and Wellness from the Perspective of Iran's Sports Regulations. RJMS 2023; 30 (2) :304-313
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8207-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran , m.ghorbanzadeh@pnu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (220 Views)
Background & Aims: Human life is his most valuable asset and maintaining this asset is one of the necessities. Health is the provision of complete physical, mental, and social well-being of human beings. Health is equivalent to the English word Health and public health is the translation of the word Public Health. According to the definition of the World Health Organization, wellness is not only the absence of disease or other defects in the body but also the absence of any psychological, social, economic, or physical health problems for every member of society. The World Health Organization states in the Ottawa Charter on Health Promotion that health is the capital of human daily life, not its purpose. Health is a positive concept that is based on social and individual capital, as well as physical capacities. Physical health includes all the physical capabilities of the body. A person or a phenomenon that has health is said to be healthy or healthy. People's sense of well-being is different, and two people in the same physical condition may make different judgments about their own or others' well-being. For example, a disabled person can feel completely healthy while the people around him consider him unhealthy. Of course, people who have severe diseases are usually not considered healthy by themselves and others.That health and exercise are two important principles in maintaining this asset. Health is the provision of complete physical, mental and social well-being of human beings. And sports are normal physical activities or skills that are carried out based on a set of rules agreed upon by everyone and with recreational purposes, or for competition, personal enjoyment, achieving fitness, skill seeking, or a combination of these purposes. Both of these principles are the normal rights of every human being in the society. In fact, the right to health is a fundamental human right recognized by international law. It means that everyone should have access to medical care, including prevention, treatment, rehabilitation services and essential medicines. In addition, it requires member states to take necessary measures to prevent and control epidemics. When it comes to sports regulations specifically, there are specific requirements that aim to ensure the safety and well-being of athletes while playing sports. These measures include measures such as regular medical examinations, injury prevention programs, proper nutrition programs for athletes, fair play rules that prohibit harmful actions against opponents or other players on or off the field. In addition, every athlete must be able to Compete in a condition where his physical integrity is not unnecessarily endangered. This means that race venues must meet certain safety standards. The equipment used during the competition must comply with the specified technical specifications. Doping should be banned. Anti-doping controls must be carried out regularly. As a result, the right to health plays a vital role in the regulation of sports activities worldwide. By protecting this important human right through appropriate health measures and safety protocols outlined in the various sporting codes and their governing laws, we can ensure sporting excellence without compromising the well-being of players. The purpose of this research is to analyze the basics of the right to health and sports from the perspective of the country's sports regulations.
Methods: The current research method is analytical-descriptive and the method of collecting information is documentary-library. The means of collecting information are books, articles, websites and reliable scientific portals.
Results: With a deep look at the Constitution, we realize that not only the Constitution explicitly mentions physical education and sports, but it is placed at the top of the list and the first opportunity, and it is within education and development and precedes higher education. One of the principles of the law the principle that specifies physical training is the third principle, but before we go into this important principle, to clarify the matter or the sign that the third principle itself gives, that is, to achieve our goals, we must see what these goals are. Looking at paragraph 6 of the second principle, we realize that the high value of a man is placed in the ranks of the principles of religion because the true establishment and continuity of God's religion are not possible except with noble people. At the same time, after counting the cases of faith, he listed the ways of securing it and this indicates that other ways that are not consistent with these ways are not acceptable. So we see that the method is limited rather than metaphorical and this can be seen from the second principle. And the main principle that clearly deals with physical education is the third principle; In this principle, the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is obliged to use all its facilities for free education and physical training for all at all levels and to facilitate and generalize higher education in order to achieve the goals mentioned in the second principle. The findings of the research have shown that the right to health and the right to exercise are recognized as fundamental rights in Iran.
Conclusion: considering that the legal sources of sports originate from the constitution, therefore, in this research, the right to health and the right to exercise from the perspective of the constitution have been investigated. In this regard, the government is obliged to consider a comprehensive plan or national policy to realize it and to create suitable conditions for all people of the nation to reach the highest attainable standard of health and to support it with appropriate policies and planning.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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