Volume 29, Issue 10 (12-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(10): 433-441 | Back to browse issues page

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Etemadi M, Rahnejat A M, Taheri Tafti S S. Comparison of the Characteristics of Personality Traits and Temperament in People with Different Temperamental Traits. RJMS 2022; 29 (10) :433-441
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8167-en.html
Master of Personality Psychology, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , mozhganetemadi2@gmail.com
Abstract:   (299 Views)
Background & Aims: One of the most attractive and complex abstract concepts that various theories have been presented to describe since the end of the 19th century in psychology is personality, in fact, a set of relatively stable and unique characteristics that thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in A developmental and contextual framework is influenced by environmental and genetic factors and gives stability and individuality to behavior. In addition to environmental and genetic factors, one of the other influencing factors on personality is dopamine, which is a neural regulator in reward, approach behavior, exploration, and various aspects of cognition, and it seems that changes in dopaminergic function mean having a relationship with dopamine neurotransmitters. It is associated with personality changes but exactly what traits are influenced by dopamine is a controversial question. Despite the widespread attention to the role of dopamine in neuroscience, there is no comprehensive theory about its role in personality and it is believed to be effective in characteristics such as extraversion, aggression, intelligence, and schizotypy. According to some views, personality traits can predict people's behavior and performance, as well as provide preparation and potentially effective background for their mental health. To evaluate personality, we can refer to Cloninger, Kettle, Minnesota, Neo, Eysenck, Beck, etc. questionnaires. One of the famous theories of character description is Cloninger's neuro-biological model of nature and character which examines genotypic dimensions. This seven-factor model of personality includes the dimensions of nature, i.e., automatic emotional responses with a hereditary aspect, and character, i.e., self-concepts and individual differences in goals, values, and choices. It is a person who grows throughout life. From the point of view of Iranian traditional medicine, temperament is a key concept in defining health, disease diagnosis, and treatment. People have different physical, emotional, psychological, and personality characteristics based on their temperament, and attitudes and moods depend on temperament. Hence, each person has a unique temperament and two people can never be considered the same despite their appearance. Therefore, temperamental traits may be considered among individual differences. Personality psychology is one of the most effective topics for understanding human nature, which has presented personality models with different dimensions. Ancient Greek philosophers believed that four temperaments can be defined as personality types. Considering that few types of research have been conducted in the classification of people's temperament and personality traits, the purpose of the present research is to conduct research and improve basic knowledge based on experimental data, such researches are especially based on cultural-native issues to answer the questions and Ambiguities in the relationship between the characteristics of personality traits and character forces of people with different temperamental characteristics are important, because by identifying these characteristics through the methods and techniques of signs and semiotics by traditional medicine specialists, people's temperament can be traced and it is possible to follow a more reliable path to know the characteristics of the traits. Took a step, therefore, the current research was conducted to identify and compare the characteristics of the personality traits of people with four temperamental characteristics.
Methods: In the present study, which is of a causal-comparative type, 160 people were selected by targeted sampling from people participating in traditional medicine classes, and they were divided into four groups of 40 people from each temperament group. To identify the characteristics, the questionnaires of Kettle's personality traits, Cloninger's nature and character, Mojahedi's temperament test, and also the traditional medicine expert interview were used. Descriptive statistics and multivariate variance analysis were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that there is a significant difference between the dimensions of nature and character of people with four temperament characteristics (P<0.05), although it is worth mentioning that no significant difference was observed in the two dimensions of harm avoidance and self-management. Also, there was no significant difference between temperament groups in the dimensions of personality traits.
Conclusion: Considering that the present research is important to examine the questions and ambiguities about the characteristics of the nature and character of people with different temperamental characteristics based on Iranian traditional medicine and psychology, it is hoped that to make a definite opinion in this field, more researches by Researchers should do it, because by using the methods of symptoms and semiotics of traditional medicine experts and personality models of psychologists, we can take a step towards a broader path for awareness and recognition of the characteristics of people's personality traits. Considering the relative concordance of the obtained results, it is suggested that more research be done in the field of temperament and character traits in children, adolescents, and adults. Therefore, it can be used to identify the personality traits of people who refer to counseling centers in the field of pre-marriage and divorce counseling, determining academic, academic, and career fields, so that they can enjoy a satisfactory quality of life and social relationships. It is hoped that by using it by doctors, psychologists, and counselors in different aspects of people's lives, an effective step will be taken in the direction of improving mental well-being.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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