Volume 29, Issue 7 (10-2022)                   RJMS 2022, 29(7): 214-220 | Back to browse issues page

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Zeinali A. The Relationship between Social Work Measures on Reducing Stress and Depression in Abused Adolescents. RJMS 2022; 29 (7) :214-220
URL: http://rjms.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8161-en.html
Master's Degree in Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran , alizeinali995@gmail.com
Abstract:   (586 Views)
Background & Aims: In sociology, the family is considered the main institution where children and family members learn socialization. Family members learn the norms of society for the first time in the family, and the origin of many people's behaviors goes back to the family. Abandoned and abused children need psychological and psychological services more than other children. Many feelings are damaged and disturbed in these children. They seriously experience feeling of anger and loss and are prone to all kinds of delinquency, so if the children's problems are not treated, the damage will be spread from the family to society. Risks such as stress and depression can be predicted in these children and consequently in the later periods of their lives such as adolescence. Stress and depression in these people, who are far from the love and upbringing of their parents, have many negative effects on them. Children with stress, loss, or problems with attention, learning, behavior, or anxiety disorders are at increased risk for depression. A person who has depression does not value and respect himself, and may experience isolation, isolation or aggression, and antisocial behaviors. Therefore, in general, in abused people and especially in teenagers and children, improving this concept helps people to take firmer steps towards the future with more confidence and awareness. The present study was a semi-experimental study with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population in this research was all the teenagers who referred to the family counseling centers in the 6th district of Tehran, who referred to the counseling centers in 2019 and had the declaration of abuse, which was equal to 80 people. The sampling method in this research was aimed to distribute the announcement at the level of the counseling centers, asking the abused people to go to the counseling centers to participate in social work group meetings. Entry criteria include: 1. willingness of people to participate in meetings, 2. having abusive parents, 3. not having any previous physical or mental illness, and exit criteria also include: 1. taking any type of anti-depressant, sedative, etc. Considering the entry and exit criteria, 24 people were selected as samples and randomly replaced in two experimental and control groups (12 people in each group). In this study, a standard questionnaire was used to check the level of stress and depression.  Based on the mentioned materials and considering the adverse consequences of abuse, a therapeutic approach should be sought in order to remove people from these symptoms and help them recover from stress and depression. It seems that in this regard, social work is one of the approaches that can be beneficial. Social work is a profession based on talents, skills, and expertise, in order to provide material and spiritual conditions for people and needy sections of society in such a way that they are motivated to recognize and solve their problems. The goal of social work is to create harmony between the patient's well-being and social well-being. The most important discussion in the goals of nursing care is empowering, independence, and self-reliance of the patient. Family is the most important social group and the basis of society. Therefore, it is very necessary to solve the crises that are formed in this small institution. In fact, social workers prioritize working in the family, solving the problems of children and the elderly. Considering the importance of abused people in society and the presence of stress and depression in these people, as well as the lack of social work intervention in these people, this research aims to investigate the effect of social work intervention on stress and depression in abused teenagers.
Methods: The method of this research was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. In order to conduct this research, among the abused teenagers who referred to the counseling centers of the 6th district of Tehran in 2019, whose number was equal to 80, 24 people were purposefully selected and randomly divided into two experimental and control groups (12 people in each group). Then Lavibond (1995) stress and depression questionnaire was completed by two groups. The experimental group underwent the social work method for 8 sessions, each session lasting 90 minutes, and the control group did not receive training. Finally, the collected data were analyzed using independent t-test.
Results: The results showed that there is a significant difference between the post-test stress and depression scores of the experimental and control groups, and social work had a positive effect on the experimental group, so that the level of stress and depression decreased significantly (p<0.05).
Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that the existence of social work in any society can be a helpful factor in reducing the stress and depression of abused people and paying attention to the treatment methods of social work is important. It is considered On the one hand, a social worker should have a strong sense of altruism, love for people, and a strong sense of sympathy towards the needy and those in need of social services. Don't forget yourself and don't get extreme emotions about certain situations. In social work, it is believed that the social worker should put himself in the place of the client and see the world through his eyes. The helper should be relatively aware of the deprivations and limitations of the public. Being a "familiar pain" does not mean that he has the same pain or problem as his client. The main role expected from the social worker in this method, which is also mentioned in other methods, is that the worker must find the ability to give and break hearts. This means that he can deal with the problem on time and this deal is serious and deep, and on the other hand, he can separate himself from it in time, and his preoccupation with the clients' problems is like someone who has to cross a raging river. Which inevitably enters it and swims out of it safely, and if it is captured by the waves and turbulence of the river, it will drown in it, it will be an example of a helper who carries the problems of the clients with him and is able to separate the roles.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychiatry

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